Recon - A military term, short for reconnaissance. To go behind enemy lines and gather intelligence. Darlton have also hinted that it could also be interpreted for this Sawyer-centric episode simply to be "To Con Again". Ahhhh those silly LOST writers and their hysterical wit! Well, we see both of these definitions in play in this episode. Sawyer, Jin, Claire, Sayid and Flocke all unite as Flocke brings "his people" together after the Temple Disaster. Flocke has a mission for Sawyer on Hydra Island. Meanwhile, Kate and Claire come to terms with the revelations about Aaron that they each learned. And of course, we have another Sideways Story, with another Mirror and more interesting character crossings! Let's dive in folks!
Flash Sideways - Sawyer
Detective James Ford
We open up Sawyer's Sideways story very similar to how 2 of his flashback episodes started before. One from Season 1 - "Confidence Man, and the other from Season 2 - "The Long Con". In both stories he was just finished "having relations" with a pretty unsuspecting woman and she realizes that he is running late for a meeting. The meeting is always a fake and just an excuse for Sawyer to grab his briefcase that opens up with a load of cash falling out. And then, the woman was to invest her and her husband's money (or ex-husband's money) in the sure deal. Yes, in the Long Con, Cassidy calls Sawyer on the bluff but it was all part of a longer con where he did get his hands on the money, but not before he fell for her. There is one big twist in this opening scene of Sawyer's flash sideways episode.
"You weren't exactly supposed to see that...."
- Sawyer is working on the other side of the law. He's a cop! He was setting up the woman to bring him to her husband, another con man. Of course, we eventually find out even though he's a cop he turns out to not be as different as he seems.
- I knew I recognized the woman from somewhere. It's Jodi Lyn O'Keefe. She played Gretchen on Prison Break. Pretty small role she signed up for!
- We must note that the clock happened to say 8:42am when Sawyer did the whole "I'm late" act. Do I even need to point out the relevance? Okay, I will! 8 and 42 are 2 of the numbers! (for old time's sake)
- Sawyer's secret codeword to get the cops to storm in was "LaFleur", of course this was a nod to his Creole 1977 Dharma Cover Name.
- Guess who is partner in fighting crime is? None other than his former Dharma Deputy Miles Straume! Guess they were meant to work together in all timelines.
- Moving on, we see Detective James Ford calling an Anthony Cooper. We all know by now that Anthony Cooper is John Locke's father. He conned Sawyer's parents out of some money, causing Daddy to kill Mommy and then Kill himself, all while Jimmy was laying under the bed. Looks like nothing has changed in this timeline folks! Hmmm, raises some interesting questions to why John Locke and his Dad are so chummy in sideways land, doesn't it? Some speculation started last week, even by myself. What if the John Locke in sideways land is not even John Locke? What, if we stick with the Epilogue Theory (that everything we are seeing in sideways land, happens as a result of everything happening on the Island. Including season 6 stuff) then could John Locke be inhabited by the Man in Black still? It sure seemed like he was pushing Ben towards a position of power with his suggestion that Ben become principal. Of course, this is all just speculation. I still am not a huge fan of the Epilogue theory and think something else is up. But it is always interesting to speculate. Why would Locke's Dad still be a con man and not con Locke out of his kidney? Surely, he wouldn't have conned John and then they became buds anyway, right? Darlton have stated that it's probably a safe bet that we will find out how John became paralyzed in this timeline. Anyone also want to bet that we'll be seeing a run-in with Mr. Ford, John Locke AND Anthony Cooper all at one time? Ahh, it will be memories of the fantastic episode "The Brig" all over again!
- Anyway, Miles interrupts Sawyer from making his calls to every Anthony Cooper on his list. We see a running theme about Sawyer and Miles' relationship. Sawyer lies about everything he is doing. He lies about going to Australia, about who Anthony Cooper is (Laker Ticket hook-up). Miles catches him in the lie with the Laker tickets and just wants the truth from him. But we'll get to that. For now we need to ponder about Miles. He was born on the Island during Dharma times. He was an infant in 1977. Was he still born on the Island? Does he still have crazy ghost talking powers? Was Pierre Chang still part of the Dharma Initiative? Did the Island sink before 1977 causing Miles to be born OFF of the Island? Questions will get a little crazier when we start talking about Charlotte!
- Speaking of which, Miles sets up Sawyer on a date. Speaking of Pierre Chang, Miles says that this woman is a friend of his that works with his dad at the museum. So Pierre Chang works at a museum in this timeline? Interesting... Same question, did he always work there?
- We also find out that Miles has a girlfriend, but we don't know who. Would it be safe to assume it's someone we know?
Date Night
So Sawyer goes out on his date and just when we are thinking he's going to meet Juliet for coffee (but why would she work at a museum?), we see a red head sitting at the bar. And we see our second Freighter-crew from another lifetime - Charlotte Staples Lewis!
- James and the redhead sure hit it off right off the bat. They're all talking Archeology and whips and Indiana Jones. She says she travels quite a bit to far off and romantic places. Doesn't really sound like the Island is what she's referring to there!
- Okay, so let's sidetrack for one second here. Let's imagine that this sideways wrinkle is indeed caused by Jughead (yet to be proven). Wasn't Daniel's whole motivation to detonate the bomb so that he could bring Charlotte back and have another chance with her? POOR DANIEL! I'm not woman, but I'm guessing there's no going back after a shot with Sawyer! Granted, he does blow it in the end (Spoiler Alert)
- The other question is again about figuring out when this Island sank. Charlotte was a little older than Miles when she was told by Daniel to leave the Island. Has she lived on the island before? Her whole inspiration for becoming an archeologist was to find her way BACK to the island. Is this motivation still the same?
- Sawyer refers to his job comparing it to the Steve McQueen movie Bullet. A classic movie with famous car chases, heists, and police! I'm sure some classic movie enthusiasts will chastise my summation. But I have never seen the movie and this is a recap of LOST, not Bullet! Sawyer is fibbing a bit anyway. It come back to this concept of telling the truth, which Charlotte requests. Sawyer ends up saying that he got to a point in his life where he was either going to become a criminal or a cop. In this timeline he chose to become a cop. I wonder what that point in his life was? I wonder if it has something to do with Jacob's intervention at his parents' funeral in one timeline and possibly not in the other? But would the end result still be the same? It seems his motivation is still the same, looking for Mr. Cooper!
- But in this timeline, Sawyer does what he does best. He woos his woman into bed! Never would have imagined this pairing folks! When Sawyer gets Charlotte some water, she wants to borrow a t-shirt and goes into his top drawer.
- First off, we should point out that there are 3 books on his dresser. And they all just happened to be books that Sawyer was reading on the Island in previous timelines. Check out the Lostpedia analysis pages for each of these books to see a basic synopsis and how it might relate to LOST. What I take from this outside of the themes that could be at play, Sawyer still loves reading books and he was going to read these books with or without the Island's help! It seems in this one, he got a head start since it's only about a week after flight 815.
Watership Down (Season 1 - Confidence Man, House of the Rising Sun Season 3 - Left Behind)
A Wrinkle in Time (Season 1 - Deus Ex Machina) and
Lancelot (Season 2 - Maternity Leave)
- But Charlotte stumbles upon a photo of James Ford and his parents and a folder entitled "SAWYER" with a news article in it about his parent's death. Sawyer sees her looking at it and all hell breaks loose. He wants to know what she saw. Charlotte denies she saw anything and then he kicks her out at 3 in the morning. Yikes, Sawyer still has his baggage! (By the way, not sure I had to mention it, but Anthony Cooper went by the name "SAWYER" when he killed James' parents. In this timeline, it appears that James does not take on the name of Sawyer due to the fact that he is not following the conman path. He is simply James Ford. But I'm gonna keep calling him Sawyer if you don't mind!)
Back at the Station
- We see a familiar face in Liam Pace, Charlie's older brother! Unfortunately, no Charlie. But he probably is somewhere in that prison. He ends up asking Sawyer if he could get some information on where Charlie is. He was arrested on the drug charges at the airport. As we saw in the season premiere, Jack saved his life on the plane by pulling bag of heroin out of his throat. Charlie wasn't too pleased about this! Sawyer ends up not helping Liam because it's not his department.
- Miles runs into Sawyer and we find out he did some investigating and found out that Sawyer didn't go to Palm Springs for vacation. He went to Sydney. Miles wants to know what he was doing there. Miles is all upset that Sawyer lied to him and that he can't trust him. And since Sawyer won't come clean he gives up on being his partner.
- After Miles rambles on about Sawyer going to Australia and taking Oceanic Flight 815 home and then storms off, Sawyer looks at himself in the mirror (yep, a mirror!) Frowns, gets angry and punches it. Well kids, we're 7 for 7 on episodes with reflections. Tell me this isn't something that will come into play down the road!?
- The next Sideways scene has Sawyer reflecting on his life and his actions. He grabs a beer and watches some Little House on the Prairie (Which Sawyer mentions in season 3's "Tricia Tanaka is Dead" he used to watch when he was a kid and sick). In this episode of Little House, the daughter is worried about losing her parents (RIP Michael Landon!). The advice is to stop worrying about what's going to happen and just live each day. Stop worrying about things or you'll miss half of your life. Sawyer seems to take the message to heart and tries to go apologize to Charlotte. But it was already too late for her. She tells him he blew it (Told you I Spoiled it above!) He leaves her a flower anyway. But it may not be too late to mend ties with Miles!
- Sawyer does run into Miles later in the episode and asks him to get in his car. He shares the Sawyer folder with him and tells him all about what happened to his parents and how he has been hunting "Sawyer" down ever since he left the academy. He followed a lead that took him to Sydney. He got a name there, Anthony Cooper. Interesting, he never got a name in the Island timeline. He ended up killing the wrong guy. He tells Miles he got a list of names and he has been calling them. When he finds the right one, he is going to kill him. He didn't want to tell Miles because he knew Miles would try to stop him. (Which Miles agrees to) Sawyer laughs and says "Fair enough." Does that mean he's talked out of it? I doubt it, but maybe Miles isn't done with his convincing. Something tells me this story is far from over anyway based on what happens next.
- There is a car being chased by a cop car and it slams right into Sawyer's car. The person in a hood jumps out of the car and starts running. Sawyer and Miles drive after them.
Island - Team Flocke Gathers
Gathering at Casa Claire
The episode opens up with Sawyer making himself some tea. He touches the kettle burning over the stove and yells his signature line. Then he goes into Claire's hut to wake up Jin. The excitement unfolds from there.
- Well I guess we find out where Sawyer has been this whole time. It's nothing glamorous. He must have come with Flocke when we first saw him arrive at Claire's hut. And he has just been hanging out with Jin ever since. He apparently was letting Jin sleep to recuperate from his wounds. Of course when he woke up all he wants to do is get away from the guy that is not Locke. Sawyer tells Jin he is with Flocke because he promised him a way off of the Island.
- All Jin can talk about is needing to find Sun. Sawyer promised that they wouldn't leave before they find her. If there is one thing that I can complain about in this final season, it is them stretching out the Jin/Sun reunion even further. I think if they knew they were in the same time period again and Sun knew Jin was alive for sure that they'd be racing across the island trying to find each other. Sun following this stranger Ilana and Jin sticking with Team Flocke seems a little forced. But, I guess bigger stakes are at hand and they are willing to stay put for now. And who knows when they do reunite if it will be a sweet emotional one if they are both supporting different sides?
- Anyway, Flocke returns with Crazy Claire, Evil Sayid, Confused Kate, Cindy, The Kids and a cast of OTHERS (get it?). Kate seems relieved to see Sawyer. They have one of their intense and meaningful conversations that they always have. Kate "Hi" Sawyer "Hi Yourself" Nice.
- Next we see Claire gathering a few items including some rope and a knife. And then she takes a look over at squirrel baby. Still as creepy as ever!
- Kate, still not learning her lesson that Claire is nutso, goes into the hut and asks Claire if this is where she lived. And then asks about the crazy squirrel baby. Claire tells Kate that it was all she had, while giving Kate an evil look. Yep, this girl fight ain't over yet!
- Flocke gathers the troops to give a speech about what the plan is. Flocke acknowledges that they have all been through a rough night and claims he will make himself available for questions. But for now they need to move and take advantage of the daylight.
- Cindy asks what happened to the rest of the people at the Temple. Didn't she already ask Sayid that AT the Temple? I guess with all of this commercial work she has been doing lately, it's tough for her to memorize more than 1 line?! Flocke half lies to the people indicating that the Black Smoke killed them. Zach and Emma look frightened, to which Flocke comforts them. He knows they're scared and he's going to take care of them. And Claire may look a little frightened (like a child) too. She grabs Kate's hand. WHAT????
- Claire seems to be going through some intense mood swings. One moment she hates Kate, then the next she is clutching on hoping that Kate will keep her safe from the boogie man. Very interesting. Meanwhile, Sayid just looks EEEEEVIL! Is the same thing really going on with these two?
- Sawyer checks with Kate for a status on the rest of their crew. Kate mentions she saw Jack and Hurley leaving the temple on her way back. (mmm hmmm when she said she "wasn't" going to the Temple! That crazy Kate!) She wasn't sure what happened to Miles. But we know that they're all hanging out on the beach. Kate asks if Sawyer is with Locke to which Sawyer responds that he isn't with anyone. I guess we should have seen his plan coming together just from that statement. And maybe we sorta did!
- Flocke leads his expedition into the depths of the jungle. He points everyone towards a clearing a quarter mile away where they will make camp. He says they will be there a couple of days to which Sawyer starts providing some frustrated commentary.
- Sawyer wants to know WHEN they are leaving the Island. It appears James has angered the beast and Flocke requests a private discussion. This, my friends is where our stories split.
Sawyer's Recon Mission
Flocke's Orders
- Flocke states his displeasure in being interrupted. Sawyer sarcastically apologizes to which Flocke sighs and sarcastically forgives him. Well, there you go, even the Man in Black has a bit of a sense of humor.
- Sawyer asks how Flocke knew to rescue the people from the "Smoke Thing". Even though MIB is lying to the OTHERS, he came clean to Sawyer. He takes a breath and then says that he IS the Smoke Thing. Interesting. MIB is all about being up front with Sawyer and it seems pretty much everyone. We see more of Flocke defending why he has been doing things here. He said that he gave them the opportunity to leave peacefully and didn't take it. Sawyer wants to know why. Flocke says that the Others that didn't follow him are convinced (and possibly the ones that did) are convinced that they are protecting the Island from HIM when all he wants to do is leave. It's Kill or be Killed and he doesn't want to be killed. Interesting.
- So now since we know Flocke is telling the truth about being the smoke monster can we buy his explanation? Is the sole purpose of THE OTHERS to defend the Island against Smokey? What has Smokey really ever done to the ISLAND? He has killed people, yes but he has also defended the Island from threats (See Keamy and Freighter crew). I smell a bit of a fib here. And what about this whole "I don't want to be killed" comment? As we see, it's no easy feat to kill Flocke. He has been shot and stabbed and nothing seems to affect him. After all, he is a pillar of black smoke that can take dead human's forms. Is he even ALIVE? All theories welcome on this one. Truth vs. Lie vs. Mix of Truth and Lie. Regardless to what we want to believe, by the end of the episode it doesn't seem like Sawyer really cares WHAT Flocke has to say.
- Flocke then walks Sawyer to one of the outriggers pointed towards Hydra Island. Funnily enough, there have been people out there wondering what happened to the rest of the Ajira folks still stuck on Hydra Island. Flocke tells Sawyer that some of them mean to do them harm. He wants Sawyer to go over there and do some Recon. He also states that the PLANE is the ultimate goal. The Ajira flight that brought his friends back is their ticket off of the Island. I wonder if that really is Flocke's end goal? Is he going to need Lapidus then to fly the thing? And how does a pillar of Black Smoke just leave the Island and live a normal life? Surely, he's not planning to get off of the Island and terrorize the world with his Smokiness right?
- Flocke says he is not worried about anyone doing Sawyer harm because he is the best liar that he ever met. Tell them whatever he needs to tell them to gain their trust, find out everything about them and then come back. Ironically, in a Sideways story so full of Sawyer needing to tell the truth, everything that follows shows Sawyer telling the truth to BOTH the people on Hydra and to Flocke. Except maybe one small detail. And as we learned from Sawyer in "The Long Con," it's all in the details.
Even uttering the term Hydra brings back some tough memories for a lot of LOST fans. It reminds us of those first 6 episodes of season 3 when things seemed to be moving at a snail's pace (no end date for the show defined and some "Stalling" was happening). Some people are even comparing season 6 to this (to which I have to disagree). But, we continue what we have been doing for a lot of this season on the Island. We are revisiting all of the settings from Seasons 1-5 that made this show what it is today. It's a chance for reminiscing and "reflection" on all that we have been through with this show, good and not as good. (I still argue that in the big picture, those 6 episodes weren't really that bad!) So before Sawyer runs into any humans on Hydra, he has a chance to reflect and reminisce himself on those "good times" of season 3. Polar Bear Cages, the Hydra Station, Kate's dress (on loan from Alex) that he removed back in the day. Maybe the dress would have looked a little worse than it did here if it had been sitting there for 3 years.
- Ahhh memories. It must have been nice for Sawyer to see all that hard work building a runway come to fruition with the Ajira Plane sitting nice and pretty on Hydra. It definitely will need some repairs though if anyone plans to take that thing off of the Island! After inspecting the plane, Sawyer catches the whiff of a trail and follows it.
- Or maybe he caught a whiff of something else because he comes to find that any passengers that were remaining on Hydra were dead and all piled up together. Uh oh.
- Before long, Sawyer realizes he is not alone and he runs and grabs a woman claiming to be the last Ajira survivor. Her name is Zoe. And then we all start thinking "Great, more new cast members."
- Zoe continues to pretend that she was on the plane. Sawyer tells the absolute truth to her saying that he didn't come on this plane and eventually explains more. For now the story we get on the dead bodies is that Zoe was waiting for rescue along with everyone else. She was collecting wood and then she heard screaming and they were all dead. She spent 2 days dragging their bodies here to get them out of the sun. Sounds pretty incomplete to me!
- Again Sawyer tells the truth saying he's not alone and can take her to the group of people on the main island. We get a little shout out to thanking God to which Sawyer claims God has nothing to do with it. Some people will probably look at this as a hint that Flocke is the Devil or whatever. And I am sure some will find many religious themes to tie this to. I'm just going to take it as Sawyer being Sawyer and making a comment on his current situation.
- Sawyer asks Zoe if she thinks the plane will fly. She says it will take some work and someone who knows how to do it. And of course, no one knows where the pilot is. She then asks Sawyer for a head count of who is with him. She asked if they were all on the plane with him, asked when they crashed and asked if they all have guns. Definitely sounded like she was gathering intelligence as well. And Sawyer caught right on. Of course Zoe did know that the flight was going to Guam. But considering there was one individual who ran into Eloise Hawking last season and was last seen heading to the Island, it's not a stretch that Zoe would know that. Sawyer turns the tables and points his gun at Zoe.
- Sawyer calls her out on being a fraud, Zoe whistles and all of these goons pop out with guns pointed at Sawyer. And of course, one of them looks like this. Anyone really scared? We do find out at least that Zoe didn't lie about her name, not like Sawyer has about his for years!
- The goofy goons proceed to take Sawyer to their leader. On the way, we see them putting up some pylons to which Sawyer later notes are to protect them from a certain Black Smoke. Does this prove that Widmore is on Team Jacob? Or is he perhaps on Team Widmore?
- Whoops I got ahead of myself. Sawyer is escorted to a submarine which is most certainly the sub we saw at the end of last week's episode. Charles Widmore's sub. I guess there were more people on that thing than we first saw. Perhaps there are other people "locked" away on the sub? Time will tell.
- Inside the sub, we see it is a lot bigger than when we saw it last time. We also notice, as does Sayer, that one door has a lock on it. Obviously, something important is behind that door as Sawyer brings it up again to Flocke later. Maybe it has something to do with the end game of LOST. Maybe it is some ONE. Could Desmond be behind that door, brought back against his will because the Island is not DONE with him? Anyone else have any theories? Tina Fey....errrr Zoe tells Sawyer that it's none of his business and asks him to keep moving.
- So Sawyer finally gets to meet Charles Widmore. Of course, he already has met him in 1954 as Charles and his buddy (which he killed) had him and Juliet captive until Locke came around. Charles most certainly probably remembers Sawyer. But what Sawyer knows is that Widmore sent the freighter to kill all of them which in turn caused Ben to turn that wheel and send them all traveling through time. He does bring up the freighter part of this and refuses to shake Charles's hand.
- Charles thinks it is sad how little Sawyer actually really knows. Is he referring to that they had met before? Is he referring to not knowing what is going on with the Island? Is he referring to the people watching this show that are hungry for answers? Or is he possibly referring to the fact that Sawyer is a candidate to replace Jacob and he is surprised how much he doesn't know? Or, maybe, all of the above?
- Sawyer says that he does know that they murdered all of those Ajira folk and put them in a ditch. Of course, when he brought up the ditch part, it sounded awfully a lot like the purge of the Dharma Initiative which could most certainly be an order of Widmore's. But Widmore claims that they didn't kill the Ajira people and doesn't expect Sawyer to believe him, which he doesn't. Well then who did? Did Smokey make it back over to Hydra and kill them? Or would something/someone else have done this? Ohhh wait a minute, could it have been Ilana and crew? That would definitely be an interesting twist and maybe reflect Jacob in a more negative light. I guess time will tell (and no, I still am not forgetting about that whole scene in season 5 where Sawyer, Locke, Juliet and crew time traveled to the future and were taking an outrigger from the beach camp and someone was following them and shooting them! There are more "candidates" now to make this scene happen! I'd like to see it please!)
- Anyway, Widmore asks why Sawyer has come to the Hydra Island. Sawyer, again, tells the truth. John Locke sent him. Widmore gets a fearful look in his eye stating that Locke is dead. Sawyer says that they both know it's not John Locke. Sawyer says that he will tell Flocke that the coast is clear and that he didn't find anybody and he'll bring the man right to them. Then Widmore and crew can kill him. Do they know HOW to kill Smokey? Is that what is locked behind that door?
- Widmore smiles and wants to know what Sawyer wants in exchange. 1.) People on his boat don't get touched, not even a hair on their head 2.) Widmore give them safe passage off of the Island. (Interesting on the boat thing. Especially if the Time Traveling Sawyer comes into play and there IS shooting at him. I know I'm grasping at straws here but I want that scene!) Widmore and Sawyer seem to come to an agreement and at the time it seems like Sawyer has just conned Mr. Flocke.
The Battle of Kate and Claire
So while Sawyer is off working on his con, Kate was sitting around with the bunch of crazies at their temporary camp. Sayid has been starting into space this entire episode and Kate finally decides to try and talk to him.
- Kate says hey, and Sayid, with no emotion, respons with "Kate." Kate asks if Sayid believes Locke can get them off of the Island. He, again staring at nothing, says that he does believe him. Kate asks if he is okay to which Sayid finally looks at Kate and says ".....No...." Oh boy.
- And while Sayid just sits there staring, Claire grabs Kate from behind and puts a knife to her neck. One second Claire is holding Kate's hand now she wants to kill her again! Kate calls for Sayid to help and he just keeps staring with no emotion. Woa, this stuff is just nuts guys! What is going on with these 2? Is there any hope for getting them out of the spell they're under? And how is Sayid even still walking around after he clearly was DEAD? (maybe Claire too, but we still have not officially confirmed the invasion on Othersville by the Keamy and crew actually killed her)
- No fear folks, Smokey to the rescue! He pulls Claire off and Kate grabs a rifle and is going to swing it at Claire, yikes! Flocke says that Kate had no choice. Claire had disappeared and Kate took care of Aaron. Acting like a child again Claire keeps screaming "She took Aaron she can't just do that!!!" And then who saw it coming when Flocke smacked Claire? Ouch!! Then scolding her like a child he tells her "This is completely in appropriate....I'll deal with you in a minute."
- Kate is now flipping out and crying and what not. She runs off to a private place and cries for a bit. And then Flocke comes to talk to her. Flocke apologizes and takes responsibility for Claire's behavior. He told Claire that the Others had her baby. Flocke then asks Kate if she ever had an enemy, someone she needed to hate. Is he talking about Wayne, her father that she killed? He continues saying that Claire was devastated without Aaron and she needed something to keep her going. He gave her something to hate. When Kate came and told Claire the truth, all of the emotion was then pointed towards her. I'm not sure I'm buying this one, are you guys? Kate didn't seem to either with her "very insightful coming from a dead man" sarcastic comment. Is Flocke trying to recruit Kate to his posse now and just telling her something that she can identify with to seal the deal? Or is he telling the truth about Claire that he just "Told her" something and she isn't possessed like Sayid appears to be? Of course, Sayid has been a changed individual after Flocke "talked" to him so who knows what is going on? I'm sure it will all be as clear as mud eventually!
- Flocke apologizes again and then said if she gives Claire time everything will be alright. He promised he would keep everyone safe and this includes Kate. Kate doesn't seem to care and wants to know where Sawyer went. Flocke says that he will show her and offers his hand to help her up. Kate gets up on her own. Nice.
- He walks her all the way to the beach where she can see Ajira Island. She wasn't very happy since Flocke could have just told her.
- Of course, Flocke wanted to talk to Kate. And goes into a little history of the Man in Black. He says that he is not a dead man. If he's being honest, then I guess that answers my question above on if Smokey is even ALIVE. Flocke says that he knows what Kate is going through because his mother was crazy. A long time ago before he looked like Locke, he had a mother just like everyone. She was a disturbed woman and as a result he had some growing pains, problems that he is still trying to work his way through. Problems that could have been avoided had things been different. He is telling her because now, Aaron has a crazy mother too.
- Okay, well there was a brain dump of information. We're so used to Daddy issues on this show, it's interesting when we get a Mommy issue to deal with. But who on earth is MIB's mother? Maybe it's the Island itself? We know the Island is crazy! Okay, that's ridiculous. MIB claims to have once been a man, to have suffered loss and now to have had a mother. Now that the mother has been introduced, it would seem pretty pertinent that we need to meet this woman in some fashion. And I guess this goes into the question to if MIB and Jacob are related in some way. Brothers, Cousins, whatever. Perhaps they share the same mother? Maybe all of these people on the Island have so many issues with their parental figures because those are the people that Jacob brought to the Island? It's possible right? So is Flocke genuinely concerned that Aaron has a crazy mother now? Didn't he cause her to be that way?
- Crazy Theory Alert (99% chance of being wrong): Hmmm, is it even foreshadowing that Aaron is somehow the Man in Black?? That would be crazy trippy wouldn't it? The Juice Box kid becomes the Smoke Monster and somehow comes to the Island and is present in all times? Obviously, I'm throwing ridiculous theories out there because we know absolutely nothing and as we have seen, absolutely ANYTHING is possible on this show!
- So Kate is returning to the camp and Claire runs into her and seemingly being herself again. Kate didn't take any chances though and help up her gun. Claire just keeps apologizing and that she doesn't know why she did what she did. She knows that Kate just cares about her and that's why she took Aaron. And then she thanks Kate for taking care of him. She seems very sincere here. And the music playing would seem to indicate it's a sincere moment too. What is going on??? Did MIB re-wire her? Or is she only crazy at times? Or is she so crazy that she keeps going back and forth between hating Kate and holding her hand or hugging her? Flocke seemed to indicate that the girl is loco. But here's hoping she can be saved!
Sawyer Returns to Camp Flocke
- Sawyer comes ashore and Flocke helps him get the boat onto the beach. Sawyer asks if Flocke really sent him to check on the Ajira passengers. And he says no. He knew it was Widmore that would be waiting for Sawyer.
- Sawyer tells Flocke anyway that the Ajira crew is all dead and he doesn't know what happened to them. Sawyer then proceeds to tell Flocke the whole truth about Widmore being over there not letting anyone get on the plane without a fight. He came over on a sub with a locked door and they brought pylons to keep the Black Smoke out. Sawyer seemed surprised that Smokey knew who Widmore was. He then said he told them that he'd tell Flocke that the coast was clear so Widmore and crew could kill him. Then Sawyer says they can change up the plan and catch them with their pants down. Flocke appreciates his loyalty. The question is Flocke really buys what Sawyer is saying. After all, he knows that Sawyer is the best liar around.
- And there was one small DETAIL that Sawyer left out of his discussions with Widmore and Flocke. And when he runs into Kate that night he tells her.
- Kate, seems to still be on her own side and not following Flocke. She wants to know why Sawyer is running errands for him. Sawyer said he isn't doing anything for anyone. He fills her in on the Plane and Widmore with crew there for Locke. Then he says he is planning to let them fight their own battle and while they have their hands full he, Kate and whoever are going to leave the Island. Hmmm sounds like something I had been suggesting. Forget the Jacob vs. MIB battle. Just do whatever is in the best interest of the LOSTIES! But, I don't know if leaving the Island is what is in their best interest. We have gone through so much to bring Jack and crew BACK to the Island. It would be silly if all they need to do now is leave it again. Then again, Sawyer never left. And the only reason Kate went back is to get Claire. It should get a little more interesting when you throw Jack and the beach crew into the equation. (Ben knows Flocke and crew are all headed towards Hydra Island). Surely, Hydra Island isn't where this final battle will occur is it? Oh well, trust the writers!!
- Anyway, the biggest joke of the night and the cliffhanger at the same time was when Sawyer said that they won't be taking the plane off of the island. Kate said that neither of them know how to fly it. And Sawyer suggests instead that they'll be taking the sub.
That is the cliffhanger? Sawyer can't pilot a sub!! Sure, I guess they could kidnap the driver or whatever, but THAT is the cliffhanger? Well, every cliffhanger can't be a winner. It was still a decent episode. As I mentioned above, I am sure many will be frustrated with it. But we definitely did get a few more tidbits of information to chew on. And definitely some more pieces falling into place. For anyone who has been waiting for a mythology brain dump, I think we are in for a large helping next week. Again, I won't spoiler, but from what I have been reading it seems like a "Can't Miss" episode. Not that we would miss any of them!
Anyway, I have spoken more than enough and am now going to turn it over to you guys! What did you think of the episode? And have any of your theories on what is going on in Sideways Land or Island Land changed with after this?
NOTE: If you guys are excited about the return of FlashForward this Thursday, be sure to check in on my new blog( that I started last fall! It won't be as elaborate as the LOST recaps have been, at least not this season. But we'll keep following along with the story and see where it's all going!
Hope you enjoyed my ramblings and I'll see you next week! NAMASTE!
NOTE: If you guys are excited about the return of FlashForward this Thursday, be sure to check in on my new blog( that I started last fall! It won't be as elaborate as the LOST recaps have been, at least not this season. But we'll keep following along with the story and see where it's all going!
Hope you enjoyed my ramblings and I'll see you next week! NAMASTE!
Ending Credits
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 268 of 268Wow rob, I had totally forgotten about that scene even though I rewatched this past summer lol I just watched it again and freaked me out now that we have just seen recon. It seems very connected! Maybe I'll lower my percentage of being wrong to 80% instead of 99 now! Lol
the whole thing with malkin, we have no idea if he's a fraud or not. He told eko he was a fraud and we have never seen him since. But the fact that Kate raised the baby and Claire didn't for 3 years making her go crazy is very interesting. The other interesting thing would be that Kate convinced Claire to keep the baby in the sideways timeline. Hmmmmm coincidence?
Thanks for sharing the lostpedia stuff. I'm very intrigued!!
Everyone: homework assignment. Watch the first 5 minutes of season 1 episode 10 "raised by another" it's crazy after what we know now!
Mike V, nice synopsis and way to keep it real with a reserved wow instead of the usual WOW. :-)
I would agree that this episode was not nearly as good as any of the past S6 eps. Some of the cheesy dialogue reminded me of the Paulo & Niki episode with that ficticious cop show Locke was watching on TV(based on the screen play Sawyer was reading I think).
Best scene of the night had to be Claire getting slapped. I frigging loved it. What in the name of Jacob took so long for this scene to happen...
Claire has been one of the most annoying characters to make it this far. I can't be the only one thinking this, right?!
Never thought for a second Sawyer was "with" Locke and I think in the end he will reunite with the cast-aways for some epic final battle.
As for the new characters being introduced---well you didn't think Widmore had only a chauffer to drived the sub did you. They might all as well have been wearing red shirts from here on out(Look more color j/k). They need to have some bodies to blow-up/mame/kill while the characters we like dance through a hail of bullets.
Spoiler alert** Richard is from middle earth ;-)
Hi Mike - and everyone.
Sorry to join the conversation late but it's been a busy week. You know, it's funny to see that you are so underwhelmed by this episode. As you might remember from my comments the last couple weeks, I've been pretty underwhelmed all season, but I was pretty well satisfied at the end of this episode. I have no particular reason why, especially since there was no mythology. I think you were just so effective at calming me down last week, Mike, that I was ready to give Lost a pass this week! But now after reading your take on things, I'm down on the episode! What a roller coaster this season is, in so many ways, haha.
I have only one substantive comments, and I have not read through the other comments so I apologize if this has already been hashed out. Mike, you mentioned that Flocke might be trying to recruit Kate to his side. I don't think that's an unreasonable idea, but here's the hole in it that I see (either a plot hole or an indication that your guess is not correct): Flocke stopped Claire from killing Kate. As I understand things, Flocke can't take over people's bodies or possess them (a la Claire and Sayid) if he kills them (am I right, or am I completely misunderstanding or forgetting things here?). Somebody else has to kill that person instead. Well, if he wanted Kate on his side, wouldn't Claire putting a knife to Kate's throat be his golden opportunity? At that point, he could either take over her body or allow her to come back in an infected, zombie state just like he did to get Claire and Sayid on his team. And if I'm wrong about Flocke needing to let someone else kill someone in order for this to take place, then Flocke could just kill her himself and go from there.
So, as far as this aspect of the story goes, I see three possibilities: 1) the writers should've cut to the chase and let Flocke recruit Kate to his side by letting her be killed and then infected, but instead they're dragging it out for some stupid reason; 2) Flocke doesn't really care about recruiting Kate, although that seems strange since he's been trying to convince her to side with him; 3) Perhaps it's the case that people cannot be possessed by Flocke (either taken over physically or infected) if Flocke kills them OR if someone controlled by Flocke kills them.
So am I totally missing something here, or do I have a point? Not sure, but I'd appreciate your thoughts.
Good catch there, I forgot that scene. That could be a forwarning about Locke been claimed by Smokey.
That reminds me too that when Ben visited Widmore off the island and had their chat about the hunt been on. The doorman in the lobby has two of the most un-natural black eyes like a evil spirit, image which has not left my mind.
Claire, I will agree with anonymous, is one annoying character, more so than any other. I can't understand what Charlie saw in her.
As Aaron been Locke as a child, I think is over the top. But the raising of the child confusing elements and stories makes harder to follow.
Malkin says he's a fraud to get a priest off his back, maybe he's superstitious or he's protecting his 'gift'. He definitely wants Claire to raise the child, so maybe he has foreknowledge the plane will crash and she'll be forced to raise the child herself. As for the bad thing to happen if she's not going to raise the child herself, is that Smokey's plan will be sabotaged. So far nothing wrong happened to the world with Kate raising the kid.
Is interesting that when she was drugged by Ethan at the 'Nursery', Claire wanted to give the kid to Ethan and his wife on the island, only Alex taking her out of the hatch and Danielle finding her sabotage the plan to give away the kid to Ethan. Maybe Flocke is wroth with her for that remembering his childhood, which now make him one more character with daddy and mommy issues. But I am sure there's more to come on it.
Btw I just saw the anonymous comment above the one I just submitted, and I love the comment about Claire being annoying. Everyone seems to love Claire, but I have never liked her character. Emilie de Ravin is not a good actress, in my humble opinion, and Claire's incessant whining about Aaron (forgive me, I'm not a parent) gives me the unpleasant deja vu experience of hearing Michael yell "WALT!!" at merciless fourteen second intervals.
Claire's character just has never been compelling to me, and I really don't care much what happens to her. The only interesting thing relating to her is Aaron and what makes him special (which also reminds me of Michael and Walt).
To the ghost...
You got it right that the killing has to be done by someone else, the loophole theory, Ben and even Locke get's James 'Sawyer' Ford to kill his dad and then John's taking the daddy's dead body to Ben to prove he's a leader. So everybody's getting someone else to do the dirty work. There's the rule that certain characters can't kill directly - or even indirectly perhaps. Yet is unclear even to me why Flocke's keeping Kate alive. Is because that keeps James to, since he loves Kate. or better yet. Flocke better have some ulterior motive.
Thanks Anonymous! The funny thing is, I actually enjoyed the episode a lot more on second viewing. LOL But I still rolled my eyes at the "We're taking the sub" line at the end. I just don't see the cliffhanger in that. Who is driving the damn thing!? lol I did love Claire getting slapped too...but just because it was so unexpected. I never really had any issues with the character. But then again, I've pointed out I like them all! lol (Nikki/Paulo/Bai Ling/Ana Lucia excluded)
I wasn't really complaining about the new characters being introduced. I was just thinking what other people might complain about. But I did think the one dude with the gun did not look like a very convincing threat. I'm pretty much a wuss and I think I could have taken him! lol
Love the Richard from Middle Earth comment! LOL
Ghost - I'm glad my comments last week helped you enjoy this episode. It was probably everyone's negative comments last week that made me be more RESERVED with my WOW with RECON. Goes both ways I guess! lol I guess for Ab Aeterno we'll meet in the middle!
I don't think I ever mentioned that Flocke wants Kate dead so he can assume her image. Flocke, for all we know, is stuck in the image of LOCKE because Jacob is dead now. All that I might have said was that he might be trying to recruit her for whatever his end game cause is. But she definitely isn't being swayed. And the fact that Flocke is most likely not aware that she is "UNCROSSED" off of Jacob's Dial may have her off the radar. Plus...kate already told Jack that she has always been with him in season 4 lol
Florin...I always figured there was more to the Malkin story than we have seen. I thought maybe he was working for someone to get Claire to the Island. He was convinced Flight 815 was the flight she had to take. And sure enough she ended up on the island. Once he went to Eko with the Fraud comment...i started thinking maybe someone came to Malkin and gave him the information for Claire. But who knows? Malkin's daughter did speak to Eko and say that she saw Yemi when she crossed "to the other side" so maybe Malkin was lying to Claire. In any case, that scene at the beginning of Raised by Another is very interesting now...and is making me lean towards the dreams being induced by Ol' Smokey.
I think the rest of the comments were Claire bashing and I already stated my opinion on her... So, I think I'm caught up! LOL
Wow...I really didn't think this post was going to cross the 200 comments plain like the last couple of posts did. But you guys love your LOST chatter! As do I! Keep it up!
I thought the episode was awesome. I was extremely glad to see that Sawyer seemed to be a better person in the parallel world (we've seen signs of his goodness in the real world as well). I'm excited for next week's episode. Richard has always been one of my favorite characters and finally we get to see his story. Check out our podcast to learn about what we know about Richard Alpert thus far.
Mike, I have glanced over the FF blog, but I just can't get into it like I do with LOST. I like the show, but while there is mystery it is just not mystery like we have on LOST and I don't really "care" for the characters as much...
Sherwinator - i'm excited for tomorrow as well! I'll try to check out your podcast if I get a chance.
Weasel - I don't blame you! Just wanted to make sure you knew it was there lol I agree it isn't as exciting to speculate about FF as it is LOST. I think LOST will just go down as a one of a kind show when it comes to fan involvement in the blogosphere. But...we never know what may be coming around the corner!
mike -
it's funny that you said maybe Malkin was working with somebody to get Claire on flight 815 and therefore to the island. but that would be some sort of wierd reverse psychology wouldn't it? lol because he told her she has TO KEEP the baby and raise it herself, which means she would stay in Australia and not get on the plane.
however she didn't take that advice and did get on the plane planning to give the baby away. it seems like Malkin was more likely trying to NOT let her get to the island. but IDK HAHA it's funny that i even commented on it because i don't even remember the claire-centric episodes very well :)
p.s. i don't know if claire is the best actress in the world but she sure has got that "freakin me out, send chills down my spine" look down pat. haha... remember when kate told her that she took aaron when claire was in the hole? if looks could kill, i'm pretty sure kate would have been hit by a nuke lol.
Courtney, yeah he did tell her to keep the baby...and then all of a sudden he was telling her that he found a couple in Los Angeles to take the baby. Even Claire was confused about his sudden change of mind. Then Charlie had that whole "maybe he knew" comment....he knew that 815 was going to crash. Maybe....or maybe he was tipped off or something. No idea. Of course, now add in another wrinkle that there WAS a couple in Los Angeles in the Sideways Story....does that mean the couple did exist in the Island timeline? Do the writers even care to that level of detail? lol So anyway...Claire "DID" take Malkin's advice. Like I was saying...he did tell Claire to get on that plane after originally telling her that she needed to raise it herself. So, yes, even Charlie was going with the "Reverse Psychology" theory lol
Yeah, I agree that Claire is doing "creepy" really well! lol
Here are my nominations for the best SCI FI series. I am saddened that the LOST series is drawing to a close. Great series take the combined talents of great actors and actresses, great writers, and a great production crew. Great series also require loyal fans that are willing to be drawn into the storyline. Many of these series are still in syndication on the SY FY channel and also can be viewed on HULU. I included a short description of each series just in case you might be interested in viewing the series. One Step Beyond ran 1959 to 1961. The show was billed as "your guide to the supernatural". It presented tales which explored paranormal events and various situations that defied logical explanation. The Twilight Zone ran 1959-1964.It is a mixture of self-contained fantasy, science fiction, suspense, or horror, often concluding with a macabre or unexpected twist. The Outer Limits aired from 1963 to 1965. “There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission...." The Control Voice that began every episode implored the viewer to sit back and be taken on a great adventure of the the Outer Limits, and the show succeeded. The Outer Limits gave stories a far-out sci-fi treatment. With an impressive list of '60s-era guest stars and writers and a cutting edge crew, the series is as fresh today as when it premiered. Stephen King remarked that The Outer Limits was "the best program of its type ever to run on television."Star Trek debuted in 1966 and ran for three seasons. It followed the interstellar adventures of Captain James T. Kirk and the crew of the Federation Starship Enterprise. Doctor Who ran from 1963 to 1989.The program depicts the adventures of a mysterious, humanoid alien known as the Doctor who travels through time and space in his spacecraft, the TARDIS (an acronym for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space), which normally appears from the exterior to be a blue 1950s British police box. With his companions, he explores time and space, faces a variety of foes and rights wrongs. Dark Shadows is a gothic soap opera that aired from June 27, 1966 to April 2, 1971. The show starts with a girl taking a long train ride to visit a large mansion. The series became hugely popular when the vampire Barnabas Collins appeared. In addition to vampires, Dark Shadows featured werewolves, ghosts, zombies, man-made monsters, witches, warlocks, time travel (both into the past and into the future), and a parallel universe. Dark Shadows was distinguished by its vividly melodramatic performances, atmospheric interiors, memorable story lines and an unusually adventurous music score. Twin Peaks follows the investigation, headed by Special Agent Dale Cooper, of the brutal murder of a popular teenager and homecoming queen, Laura Palmer. Twin Peaks was first broadcast on April 8, 1990 which led to another seven episodes being produced and a second season, which aired until June 10, 1991. The X-Files is a science fiction television series .The program originally aired from September 10, 1993 to May 19, 2002. Lost follows the lives of plane crash survivors on a mysterious tropical island, after a commercial passenger jet flying between Sydney and Los Angeles crashes somewhere in the South Pacific. Each episode typically features a primary storyline on the island as well as a secondary storyline from another point in a character's life, though other time-related plot devices change this formula in later episodes. First broadcast on September 22, 2004, and since then five full seasons have aired with a sixth currently in progress set to finish on May 23, 2010.
To Glenn R:
If you liked Firefly, Northern Exposure, and Six Feet Under - then I think you would like Farscape. Mix of out-there humor and sci-fi was done quite well in this series.
For me this last episode just made me feel even more confused lol!
Thankfully I've eventually caught up on the blog & comments & its all as
clear as mud again lol!
I think the comment Myles made to Sawyer "do you want to die alone" is
very significant to what is happening on the island. Is it a hint that
maybe Sawyer's plan to "go alone" & take the sub will result in his
death? I think someone may have already suggested something along these
lines, but Myles saying that line connects that theory.
When Charlotte was looking for a t-shirt I really think she had other
plans & was looking specifically for something. So after reading the
comments I have to agree with her being somehow involved with research
on the island.
Sawyer told Charlie's brother that "wasn't his department"... maybe its
Anna Lucia's?! (She could still be Myles girlfriend too I suppose)
Something I would love to know... where did Daniel get the name
Faraday?! Someone brought it up earlier in the comments but it kind of
got forgotten... This might be a bit crazy & out there, but what if the
MIB's name is ? Faraday & Eloise had a relationship with him. Maybe
Eloise is who MIB was referring to when he said he had loved & been
loved. Eloise may have had a relationship with him after Daniel was
conceived & he was a father figure to him in his early years.
Widmore has obviously done something to hurt/turn Eloise against him &
make her want to keep Daniel out of his life. That we still have to
figure & & as Widmore & MIB fight it out, we'll find out.
It just ties in a few things that kept me wondering...
1) Where Daniel got the name Faraday
2) What C. Widmore's connection with the island is
3) Why Eloise is so intent on them all doing what they have to (she
seams to have as much control on them as Jacob)
4) Why we never found out MIB's real name.
Anyone any more thoughts on this?
Anonymous - Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the great Sci-Fi Shows from the 50's onward! Good stuff!
MJ - I know you were talking to Glenn, but I thought I'd add my 2 cents. I still have to check out Firefly one of these days. I know you chastised me in my V review for not mentioning Alan Tudyk (SP) for his work in that lol Although, the ironic thing is that I had seen pieces of Serenity at that point. I would like to watch all of that though. It's just so disheartening knowing that they were cancelled before they were allowed to explore their potential! I hadn't watched the other ones either...with the exception of a few Six Feet Under episodes (including the series finale) If I ever finish BSG, The Wire and Breaking Bad...I'll keep these on my list for NEXT UP! Lol
Annemarie - That's be beauty of LOST analysis! We all do it in hopes to clarify things, but we always hit more hurdles and questions! I love it! And the best thing is...the show is going to end, and we're still going to be confused lol But maybe in a more satisfying way! (if that's even possible). Yeah I thought Miles' "Die Alone" comment pretty much sums up Sawyer's Island existence...he has mostly been doing whatever he can do to survive himself...sometimes showing a little humanity in trying to save Walt (season 1 finale), showing his anger about walt's kidnapping by killing Mr. Friendly in season 3, and of course going with Jack to help him get Hurley in season 4. there were other moments too (including most of the season 5 arc)...but it always went back to him being a loner and with the "every man for himself" attitude...the exact opposite of Jack's "Live Together 'Die Alone'" Mantra.
Agreed that it makes sense to be suspicious of Charlotte snooping around Sawyer's dresser. Who does that unless they're looking for something!? I also considered or read people's speculations on Ana Lucia being Miles' girlfriend...also makes sense that it might be the department that Charlie's case would be handled by. Guess we'll see!
Definitely a good question on the 3 different last names of Charles Widmore, Eloise Hawking and Daniel Faraday. We do know that Widmore likes giving people famous Jeremy Bentham for Locke....he did call daniel his son last season so maybe there's something to it. I would love to find out too!
All good questions at the end of your post too. BTW on Jay and Jack's LIVE podcast yesterday they asked Jorge Garcia about the MIB name and if it will live up to the hype of not knowing. Lindelof apparently had no comment on the situation the night Jorge stuck to the same mantra....but he also said that he wasn't going to say anything because it's a "cool reveal" or something like that. Exciting stuff!
BTW...I think Jorge answered a question of mine when I was in the chat room last night lol He said that a few of the episodes coming up are going to be real treats for the fans....and as he is a fan too he was excited to read the scripts and all of that fun stuff. I asked him if one of them was Ab Aeterno...and then not long after I asked I heard him say "Yeah, Ab Aeterno is one of them" NIIIIICE! So there's my claim to fame "" One of the LOSTIES talked to me indirectly! Now what do you got? :-)
Possible answer to #4, maybe MIB's name hasn't been revealed because its a name we would know, like Aaron or something. At this point, I feel like it would be such a huge twist if the smoke monster turned out to be a character we've known all along that I believe the producers would be silly not to write that into the script. Crazier things have happened on LOST so you never know.
Another random thought...
Remember in season 3 when Ben brough Locke to Jacob's cabin for the first time? Remember how Jacob spoke to Locke (said "help me" I think) and we saw a brief picture of what we thought to be Jacob in a rocking chair. The confusing thing is that the man in the rocking chair originally thought to be Jacob looks nothing like the Jacob we now know. In fact many people thought it looked like Locke. Now knowing what we know, can we make any possible explanation for who that man in the rocking chair was? Maybe it was Jacob in a previous life where he occupied a different body? Or maybe it wasn't Jacob at all. Hopefully there will be more info to come on this...
here's the pic:
this link should work
...or not haha
Here you go Rob:
Jacob in Man Behind Curtain
comments to follow!
it's lapidus!
or possibly a romulan with lapidus hair.. not sure.
Rob - I agree that MIB being someone that we have known would be an awesome twist...hence the whole "MIB=Aaron" theory holding "some" credibility right now lol In any sounds like the REVEAL of the name will be interesting so I'm sure we'll find out why they haven't told us!
I've been thinking too about what we saw in that rocking chair....was it MIB? Jacob? Ilana says that Jacob hasn't used that cabin for a LONG time. How long is LONG? Was the ash keeping someone IN or keeping Smokey OUT? Because we know Smokey was roaming around the island from season 1-3. and yeah whatever we saw in cabin image did not look like the Jacob we know or the MIB we know (yes they weren't cast as the roles yet but still...) and does kind of look like Locke with hair. I think it had been mentioned that it's actually the LOST's prop guy (the name is escaping me) who posed for the shot...but maybe it was overlayed with Locke's image? I'm not sure if we can fully give an answer to why this image is what it was but I sure hope it is explained....or we get enough of an explanation that we can go back and answer it for ourselves!
Courtney - Ironically when Jeff Fahey was cast in LOST people were looking at pictures of him and assuming he was being cast as Jacob! lol because with his long hair and beard he looked very similar to the guy in the chair.
Of course...considering Lapidus being thought of as a possible "candidate" at the end of season 5 might mean we can't rule him out! lol But I'm going with "probably not" for now! :-)
So much for Zoe being a small role! lol
Sheila Kelley Interview on TV Guide
Magnus Hanso
1st Mate:
Alexander Widmore... See More
2nd Mate:
Clifford Widmore
Robert Broughton
Johannes Bedell
Richard Alpert
Jacob Deyer
Daniel Linderman
Henrick Skeggs
Peter Thompson
Thomas Parys
Anthony Forster
Miles Strom
Adam Monroe
Thomas Hetley
Henry Wingfeild
Conrad Strughold
John Poulter
Alvin Kurtzweil
Thomas Mettlewerk
Reginald Knolles
Daniel Farraday
Edward Jackman
*****************Careful people! Potential spoilers in the comment above***********
I'd delete the comment but I don't know for sure it is lol
don't be alarmed Mike, just copied it from another blogger on facebook. Keep up the good work, I read your blog everyday.
Thanks for the clarification! Some things there we already kinda assumed but others would definitely be interesting. Thanks for the props too! :-)
also everyone here is Nestor talking about tomorrows ep:
I added here a link to the temple thing, which may shed light on the Smokey ancient description as smokey, which Mike V, does mention that the tunnels run underneath the barracks as I thought I saw it in the episode 'Eggtown' I think.
One has made a good point that Claire in the cabin couldn't care less about Aaron.
And here is the link to the picture where Ben goes in his house at Dharmaville, while he was in detention by John, James and Hurley - the classic line J Sawyer Ford says when he realizes Ben did another trick, and opens the heavy door to the tunnel and summons smokey against the mercenaries and Keamy for killing Alex.
I re-watched "Recon" this morning & this time I'm not as sure that Charlotte was searching for something as I first was. She just stumbled upon it. There is still something intriguing about that scene though. Why bother putting that scene in to tell us what we already know. She did seam to be shocked by it or coming to a realisation though.
So do you think then that its as simple as Charles Widmore wanting his son to have the name Faraday?
If that list of the Black Rock Crew is correct I can't wait to find out when they arrived there. How could Charles Widmore & Daniel Faraday both be on the same ship landing on the island?? (or is it the Daniel Faraday we know? ;) lol)
I'm not buying into the MIB being Aaron theory, just never liked it somehow. More so now though after him saying to Kate "now Aaron has a crazy mother too".
Mike, how many mysteries have we got to solve now? I'm sure its a lot more than 23 after the last few episodes! lol!
Florin, we also see that DHARMA may have been aware of the tunnel system by the MAP of the island in season 2's LOCKDOWN. Probably another lostpedia page worth visiting lol
I checked out the temple page...i'll have to check out the Ben basement page when I have more time. But I don't know if that basement was linked to these underground ancient tunnels. that may have just been a dharma basement. But...if they did dig into the ground...then they may have stumbled upon it. I think, if i recall from reading the season 5 dvd deluxe edition TREATY between the Others and DHARMA, that it mentioned something about not digging into the ground. But I could be wrong lol
Annemarie - funny that we both switched our opinions to the opposite after rewatching Recon! lol Well, opinion is a strong word for me. I just entertained the idea that she COULD HAVE BEEN snooping lol
As for Charles naming Daniel "Faraday"...i wasn't saying that all. I said it "COULD BE" as simple as that....It really depends on how much the LOST crew want to explore the whole naming thing...for all we know they may not explore it at all!
I don't think that list mentioned Charles Widmore at looks like ancestors of his if anything...and that would totally make sense given the UK origin of the ship. But Faraday and Straume? that is bizarre. Of course...maybe Daniel did do some time travelling after all and this is where we see him show up! lol I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I'm going to choose to think that the list is only partially correct or not correct at all until I watch the episode tonight lol I would like to be surprised tonight when I watch if any crazy faces show up in that time period.
I think that "Black Rock" crew list posted by someone earlier is a hoax. I recognize some names from "Heroes" (not a great show BTW), unless they are doing some crossover stuff which I hope isn't so! lol!
I would imagine though that some ancestors would show up for more than one character as part of the "Black Rock" crew and cargo. It would only makes sense after almost 5 seasons of build up!
@MiKe V - Firefly is a great series that really should have been given more than one season. Great cast and premise.
Can't wait for LOST tonight.
TV Guide interview with Sheila Kelly who is Zoe. Not spoilery - but very hinty. I couldn't help myself and read it. And - don't want to spoil here - but we should get used to seeing Zoe apparently.
Thanks MJ, I actually posted that yesterday lol But with all of the comments on here, i know it's hard to keep up. Plus, I wanted to annoy the anonymous person that hates when I say that I said or posted something before! :-) lol
David...i noticed the "adam monroe" as well...and totally agree that show has evolved to pure trash! lol We'll see what happens with the Black Rock list! But I also agree more ancestors would make sense!
I'll be sure to check out firefly/serenity when I get a chance!
Now, all we need is totally lost and doc jensen to post for the day! LOL
Oh silly me it does say Clifford & not Charles.
Thats just me seeing what I want to make my crazy theory fit lol!!
Faraday, may just be something we'll have to accept & not look into too deeply.
Enjoy the episode tonight. Roll on Thursday so I can watch it here. I'll catch up with the blog on Friday!
Annemarie - if daniel showed up on the black rock I would sure hope they'd have an explanation for it! lol I wouldn't just accept it. But, considering I already "accidentally" heard who the guest stars are on the episode, I am going to guess that the list might be fake lol But i was definitely annoyed to find out who the guest stars were, even if they did make sense. I'll stay mum on the subject.
BTW everyone, don't forget that the episode is running 1 Hour and 6 minutes tonight. So, if you don't have an automatically adjusting magic TiVo like me, you might want to readjust your DVRs accordingly! (sorry, wasn't trying to brag, I just love TiVo! lol) Or, just set your DVRs for V afterwards and you can be sure that any overflow will be recorded there!
Oh yeah i'd want an explanation if he was on the black rock too! What I meant was why his name is Faraday with his parents being Widmore & Hawking!
Thanks for keeping mum on the guest stars this week. Always more exciting not knowing.
oh right...duh lol sorry about that!
definitely is exciting not knowing. I hate when I find out! lol I have to stop listening to "Next on LOST" on the Jay and Jack Friday podcast lol
I haven't checked out the TV Guide interview, but why did they interview Sheila Kelley, not Tina Fey?
very good question Bill! lol
Finally, it's up!
Totally LOST!
You have quite the memory Mike if you remember me commenting on not mentioning Alan Tudyk (SP)in the V review. I highly recommend Firefly and Farscape, as well as Breaking Bad and Sons of Anarchy - though not sci fi they are pretty kick-ass. Loved the shield - miss it still. Still love my B5 - first show that ever said we have a 5 years story to tell and though it almost got cancelled twice - they did get their 5 years and their whole story arc told.
And can't forget my love for Buffy !
Am ignoring that list that was posted - in case it is real. I like the hints - but am trying to stay spoiler-free for the final season. But its SOOOO hard. LOL
I'm outta here til tomorrow ! Still looking for Totally Lost though. Enjoy the show everyone !
Oops - forgot to say that my plain ole Fios issued DVD knew about that extra 6 mins - but thanks any way Mr. Tivo. LOL
Yeah, I remember some bizarre things! lol I will try to check all of that stuff out eventaully! I did start the shield a few years back but just never was able to catch up! Pretty cool with Babylon 5...I never knew about the 5 year plan.
Spoiler Free is definitely tough. I'm trying my best too though!
I thought the TOTALLY LOST was very insightful as always. I particularly liked their speculation on Smokey and the Mommy Issues. Check it out if you haven't! checklist for tonight (i act like i do this every week lol):
- Are we going to find out how the black rock got in the middle of the island?
- are we going to see the Statue destroyed?
- Is Richard really a Black Rock guy or have they just been pulling our "CHAINS?"
- Are we going to continue that scene between MIB and Jacob that we saw in the beginning of the season 5 finale as the Black Rock is approaching?
- Will we get a satisfying explanation to Richard's agelessness?
- Will we find out why he went all hippy-like for his first encounter with Ben? LOL
- Will this episode focus mostly on the past (a la a Desmond "Flashes Before your Eyes" or a Michael "Meet Kevin Johsnon" or will the Island 2007 plotline continue?
We'll find out tonight!!
'Just pulling our chains' LOL Nice one
Totally Lost was fun - Rebecca Mader has a great sense of humor
Would love to hear more Latin spoken in tonight's episode - the language of the enlightened as Juliet described it when encountering young Charles Widmore and friend in 1954.
What the ep that has Claire dreaming with Locke in it ?
Agian many posts not sure if this was mentioned but when Rose visitied the the physic Malkin in Australia there was a reference to the different pockets on the planet that had this energy. The pocket at his house could not cure her but it does lead to the theory that has had a connection to the island through the pockets.
I love the speculation on the different people who could be Adam & Eve skeletons, we get a wide variety of theories but in the end there is only one logical choice. Sun & Jin, it may not be the most elaborate or crazy theory but it seems to be the only couple who we’ll see this season. They are on both sides of the war and they do not have a dog in this fight. How they go back in time and become these skeletons is the only question that I have but I’m sure it’ll be a sacrifice thing that they do… I doubt Bernard & Rose will return but I would like to see Vincent again.
Now if the crazy theory of Farrady being MIB comes to fruition then I may consider Widmore & Hawkings as the skeletons, again as sacrifice to not have the baby but that is a stretch.
I don’t see the sideway losites having a big reunion, they just wanted to show how they would still meet each other in this parallel world.
THANK YOU for the DVR warning – I purposely did not see the trailer for next week – still mad about seeing Jack smash the mirror. But it seems like we’re in for a good one. Can’t wait to see the recaps….
Thanks MJ ..I'm the king of "no pun intended but intended" cheesy humor! lol I thought Rebecca Mader was great in the interview as well! The ep with Locke in Claire's dream is Season 1's "Raised By Another" Episode 10. First scene in the episode.
Definitely a good point David....we might hear some more latin.
Penner - First of all, Rose did not visit Malkin....we have only seen Malkin in 2 episodes....Raised By Another and Eko's 2nd season 2 episode (name is escaping me right might be "?" though) She visited a "healer" whose house was over one of these pockets of energy...just like the lamp post station and THE ISLAND.
Sun and Jin is an interesting guess for Adam and Eve... I wouldn't say it's the only logical choice though....considering time travel would be necessary like you said! lol that defies logic!! (not on this show though, I know!) I am absolutely positive we have not seen the last of Rose and Bernard. We need to know how their island story ends. But we'll see! We definitely will see Vincent again as the producers confirmed a few seasons ago that he definitely will survive until the end of the show lol
Interesting on Widmore and Hawking sacrificing to not have Faraday....but I agree, it's a stretch to make that happen...especially with all of the Whatever Happened Happened stuff going on with Time Travel (with possibly the one exception depending on how the sideways story turns out)
I disagree about the sideways LOSTIES...i think we're seeing them all interact in different ways already...i still think there is more to this story than we are seeing so far. but we'll see!
No problem on the DVR warning! If you saw the promo for this week you wouldn't have seen much. But spoiler free is the way to go!
btw...Doc Jensen column is up!
Doc Jensen
Oh - my bad. I thought Raised by Another was when Claire saw Malik - but the dream was a different ep. Thanks.
Yeah - I love how the producers are will to state that Vincent will have a happy ending ! LOL THey know better than to mess with animal lovers.
Rose's healer dude in Australia is named Isaac.
Probably nothing but both Isaac and Jacob are very "Old Testamenty" sounding ancient names.
After reading Doc Jensen...and of course recalling my Bible lessons...Jacob is the son of Isaac, who is son of Abraham (anyone else singing "Father Abraham" right now? LOL)
MJ - not sure I was following that last post (did you mean Malkin and not Malik? lol) but the DREAM is in the same episode as when Claire sees Malkin. It's all in Raised By Another.
Mike V - Take your time and you'll find a treasure trove. I have a pretty good memory as well.
I the recap with the title right now, the show said that the MiB and Smokey are the same thing in the body of John Locke.
I am wondering that in the first episode, the pilot 1 that is, Rose said that the alarm sound Smokey made through the woods - jungle, was 'Familiar' to her, emphasis added. Any thoughts any one? If she wouldn't be a good candidate for 'Eve' and having been on the island before, how could the sound be familiar.
Okay, the build up to the next episode is really accelerating - we want more answers! LOL I enjoyed this episode, though I see why people are saying maybe it wasn't exciting enough or whatever. Sawyer as a cop was fun and code word Lafleur! We are steady on our track of watching one episode on the weekend - feel like this next one is going to be an exciting one - as always, the recaps are vital! And yes, whose side is Widmore on for the love of God! :)
@LOST Family - I enjoyed the episode too! Although, I'll admit, on my rewatch of season 6 I did breathe a large sigh when I had to power through RECON again. I still enjoy the episode, but there are much better ones in the series and this season also. You would be correct in assuming that the next episode will be a treat. I will say no more, but I'm guessing you might already know what's coming your way! ENJOY!!
As we made our way through the long series of Flash Sideways episodes of our major characters, I was impressed by the Kate-centric hightailing, astonished by the Locke-centric exposé, frustrated by the Jack-centric calamity, and beguiled by the Ben-centric redemption. And then we came to Sawyer flashing sideways into a story about being a cop who has a hot date with a redhead, a well-established grudge against a con man, a habit of lying to his partner (Miles!), and a foot chase with a hightailing former love interest.
Sounds great on paper, doesn't it? Well, in reality it was pretty good, but not quite what I was hoping for. Sawyer being Sawyer, he was intense and his snappy comebacks always produced a laugh, but there was something that seemed a bit...conventional about his story. Sure, there were nuggets of Lost mythology generously sprinkled throughout the sideways narrative, but somehow it still ran a little flat.
Perhaps it was too obvious to make him a cop, though the idea was understandably natural. But maybe he could have been a man of the cloth, a used car salesman, or perhaps a gigolo. Just about any platform would have proved more creative and ripe with potential than "SURPRISE! Sawyer's a COP!" Still, Sawyer's flash sideways was predictably satisfying, in the same way that a familiar sofa is predictably comfortable. But I didn't really get anything newsworthy from it.
I got a lot more from the island stories in this episode, including Sawyer's conversation with the MiB before he was sent to Hydra Island to conduct a little recon on the enemy. The MiB told Sawyer that he was targeting the Ajira plane as his (and everyone's) golden ticket off the island. In his recap, Mike asked, "how does a pillar of Black Smoke just leave the Island and live a normal life?" Indeed, the question is not only how, but whether he can leave at all, and if he can, would he be able to live a normal life? Because apparently the Man in Black thinks he can.
I'm not certain what forms the MiB is allowed to assume after he leaves the island, but I presume it includes remaining in the form of John Locke. It's not like his human form is going to mutate into a pillar of black smoke just because he's stuck in traffic.
So the Man in Black wants to fly away from the Island. We need to remember that the Man in Black was apparently once a human being who was looking for a loophole to kill his rival. These days the Man in Black is a smoke monster and his rival is a ghost or a spirit, but apparently they can both assume human form indefinitely. And the MiB doesn't have to change into a monster unless circumstance calls for it. If I were him, I'd think it would be cool to live in the real world and be essentially immortal and be able to frighten or kill anyone anytime I felt like it. But in a normal life, I probably wouldn't feel like that very often, if ever.
So can the MiB ever live a normal life? I don't know. Can he ever live a normal life on the Island, or does he have to escape the Island to achieve that normalcy? Do any of the "rules" that seem to govern the Island also apply to the MiB living on the island? Or leaving the Island?
After the MiB forced Ben to kill Jacob, he said "I just want to go home." I thought home might be Heaven or Hell. But what if it's Detroit? Or Paris? Which begs the question about whether or not the MiB is cursed to remain on the island forever. Is there a way to break that curse that he hasn't revealed to us yet? If there is, surely there are also rules about how to break that curse.
The MiB knows a lot more than he's telling anyone right now. And he's willing to kill anyone that stands in his way, and that includes all of the people he's formed alliances with today. If I were on that Island, I wouldn't trust a single word that came out of quasi-Locke's mouth, no matter how trusting his smile might be.
Yeah...predictable maybe and yes not the strongest episode. But, you gotta admit Sawyer and Miles would make a great buddy cop show! That was the most popular spinoff idea in the waning hours of LOST. lol
I'm going to have to plead the 5th on MIB leaving the island, if he can, how he can and what form he'd take. You should be getting some insight soon. And I actually forgot that they didn't reveal that information yet. So, I'll let you just speculate away! But once again, you made some pretty good observations. Enjoy the next episode!
So I can't read through all the comments, so sorry if I've missed something & am repeating! BUT, just wanted to make a few points.
I don't buy the epilogue theory, it makes no sense. If the epilogue is what happens AFTER the island, i.e. their time on the island has already happened, how does no one know each other; how are Charlie, Charlotte, Locke's Helen (and Locke for that matter!) etc still alive; how is Claire pregnant when she's already had Aaron; how does Jack suddenly have a teenage son. And how is it the same date as they crashed (we see on Claire's scan, minus the minor prop error!), if they've spent 3 years on the island. Doesn't make any sense at all.
So, assuming it's an alternate timeline, are we to assume that this timeline began in 1977 after the 'incident'? Which would mean that Charlotte and Miles were already born on the island but had just left on the sub (which would make sense as they are friends when Miles sets her up with Sawyer, even though Miles was just a baby maybe they had regular Dharma reunions?!). In that case, are we to assume that the present day folk who'd travelled back to 1977 didn't travel back and the 'incident' happened without their input. So, if they all need to be on the island at some point in their lives (for whatever reason) did Jacob still touch them - and if he did, what about when he touched Sayid, which was AFTER the island. So did he not touch Sayid in this timeline? We also didn't see him touch Claire - does this have anything to do with them now going crackers? Everyone else was touched before the island.
So my thought is that all the people in the new timeline will converge at some point and end up on the island again, the point being that the island would have brought them one way or another regardless of their life paths. Doesn't answer why, but that's my thoughts anyway. Am I close?!
In a totally separate point, given that the real world had heard that the original 815 flight had been found and all bodies accounted for, when the O6 returned, how did they explain that?? Didn't see any mention of anyone questioning how 6 of the bodies they 'accounted for' when they found the plane near Fiji had suddenly shown up alive and well??
Ok my brain hurts now so I will get back to my Lost marathon... taken me 3 weeks so far (including reading your blog after each episode once I caught up in series 4!)
Hi Emma! No fear on repeating comments. It's been so long I can't even remember the discussion had. lol I do remember discussing the Epilogue Theory though. I cannot comment on if it's completely true, partially true or absolutely false. I know too much! :) I can say that in all my theorizing throughout that final season I actually did accidentally stumble upon the right answer to the flash sideway (to an extent) in a passing comment on one of the recaps. Unfortunately, I can't remember which recap I commented on it! But you wouldn't want to know for sure anyway until you finish. I can certainly discuss some of your questions in more detail when you're finished!
As for 815 survivors....I didn't know if they ever said all were accounted for? Surely Penny could've updated them on what the world knew about flight 815 while they were at sea for a few weeks coming up with their "lie". But I'd have to rewatch to see how much they revealed about the dead bodies being accounted for. I just figured when they found the wreckage full of dead bodies and didn't try to identify them. Widmore had dug up corpses or something and put them on a plane to stage the crash.
Thanks for your response Mike - and you're right, I don't want to know for sure - I've managed to avoid knowing for 13 years so to spoil it 7 episodes before the end would be a bit silly :) So when I asked 'am I close' I clearly didn't want an actual answer (don't know why I said it really!), so thank you for not giving me one :)
Just to clarify what I meant about finding the survivors of 815 - I'm sure Naomi told them that the plane had been found and all passengers accounted for (and clearly dead). When the O6 were found, I would have thought someone might have questioned the fact that a camera had gone down into the wreckage and hadn't noticed any signs of escape, or that 6 people had somehow made their way to a random island (I'm not sure they said how far it was from Fiji). If that was real life, wouldn't someone have questioned it a bit more? All the passengers were sitting in their seats on the fake plane, so how would it be explained that 6 of them just unbuckled themselves and found their way to the exit door? Was the exit door even open on the fake plane?! I'm clearly overthinking but I was surprised this wasn't addressed when the survivors were found.
@Emma - Yeah I figured you really didn't want to know! :) The show is intended to make you ask questions, so it's good you're writing them down! The next binger may see them and wonder the same thing! :)
As for the survivors of flight 815 I stand by my statement! They found the "fake wreckage" but with it being at the bottom of the ocean I'm sure they didn't investigate the # of survivors fully. Sure, I'm sure in real life there would've been detractors who cried "conspiracy" just like they do in real life. Of course social media didn't exist in the same manner that it does today in 2004 so it would've been a quiet minority. People just would've bought the news report. I'm sure Widmore somehow controlled what information was released to the press too.
But, no, I guess people really didn't think too much about it back then when the show was on the air! It's an interesting thought though! Certainly has made me think more about it. did some googling, I can't even find a category about the fake 815 crash on Lostpedia. (Granted I didn't drill down too much. :))
Anyway, enjoy the final episodes!
Good morning from UK land... I've managed to get through another 400 million comments throughout the day and am ready for the next episode which I'm led to believe is a good one!
I didn't mind this one though... Seeing Charlotte again was great... I had forgotten that I had googled her, and looked up her actress name with the idea of seeing what else she was in... Then I couldn't resist looking at Google images and saw her "with" Sawyer which must have been that episode... But as we were just approaching the 1970s episodes at the time, I had assumed that it was Charlotte that would be living with Sawyer and not Juliette in 70s Darmaville... I made no attempt to look into it further in case I got more of a spoiler than I already apparently had... So I was surprised when it didn't happen and he was with Juliette instead (despite the illogic of the child and adult Charlotte having to have been in the same timeline)... And so I forgot all about it and assumed it was a hoax fake photo type thing... So I was very pleased to see it was real after all!
If the next episode has 250 or more comments I'll have to start rationing them or I'll never get to finish the series!
You’re really not going to hurt my feelings if you don’t read all the comments! I promise you it might be better for your sanity to just skim them! Lol that’s funny on the Charlotte Google. She definitely was in a few things after LOST so there’s a good chance you saw her in something. If the next episode is what I think it is then yes it’s a good one! Enjoy!
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