The new format of the show is pretty much how we assumed it would work at the end of last season. Since we have characters in two different locations (and times), we keep going back and forth from each storyline. So, this is a shift from the character-based stories of the past where each character would get their own episodes to shine. But, I wouldn't necessarily rule out the character driven stories from this season just yet. Let's get into the episodes. I've recapped both episodes individually as best as I can below!
We open up on a clock turning from 8:14 to 8:15am. We follow a man around his home very similar to following Desmond around in season 2 and Juliet around in season 3. We see his wife and child. He plays a Vinyl Record that begins to skip (sorry kids I don't know the song, but that's what the comments section is for! Updated: Willie Nelson's "Shotgun Willie"!! ) And before we know it, it is revealed that the man is none other than our favorite DHARMA Orientation guy, Marvin Candle (or take your pick of every other name he goes by).
- First of all, who didn't catch on that it was him? I'm not complaining, I still loved it! We went way back in time for this one.
- FYI - Marvin's other names are Mark Wickmund and Edgar Halliwax all representing some kind of part of a candle. But at this year's Comic-Con there was a video with him revealing his real name was Pierre Chang. Also during that Comic-Con video, I read somewhere (I think that we should listen to the camera man and we might be able to hear a familiar voice! (hmmmm I wonder if we'll be seeing the filming of this video this season with a certain someone we saw back in that time period!)
- Notice I said that we saw Chang's Baby. Does this mean the baby was born on the island? Remember that crazy storyline about women conceiving on the Island would meet their doom before childbirth? Perhaps this was a recent development. I believe we had discussed this before, but this seemed to confirm it. Unless Chang took his wife off of the Island for some time.
- We learn in the Orientation Film for The Arrow (AKA the station where the Tail Section made camp and where Sawyer, Jin and Michael were eventually taken to meet Bernard) that the purpose of the station is to develop defensive strategies and gather intelligence against the island's hostile environments. Smoke Monster anyone? The Natives/Others perhaps?
- The video filming is interrupted because there is an issue at the Orchid Station, which is still being constructed! How awesome was that?! Anyway, some mining dude, down in the "DEEP" (as Ben referred to it) Depths of where the REAL Orchid station would go, was telling Chang how they found some kind of ancient wheel (the frozen donkey wheel!). Apparently the drill melted when they got near it. If you recall in the season 4 finale, the Orchid Station blocked off the path to the Donkey Wheel with the video giving explicit instructions to NOT put Metal in the Space/Time chamber. Chang seemed determined to not mess with that wheel as they wanted to harness the energy of the island to maniuplate time. Nice joke from Mining guy about wanting to go back and kill Hitler. All to reinforce the point that there are Rules that can't be broken. So perhaps we know for sure now that the Rules that Ben/Widmore have referred to are TIME-related. Killing Alex was against the rules. Perhaps even the reason some people cannot die yet has to do with the rules of time. If the energy is released for any reason then Chang gave a line that we hear at the end of our 2 episode onslaught. "GOD HELP US" I can only assume that we were intended to make a connection between the two scenes (and we'll get to the other scene at the end of the blog!
- So during this whole scene between Chang and Mining Dude, they kept showing distinct holes in wall. Maybe I missed them explaining that behind those holes was the crazy Donkey Wheel. But I'm guessing they're of some significance.
- Ohhhh right, Daniel Faraday is hanging out back in time with mining gear on! We're not quite at the Islander's storyline yet, but I'm gonna guess he's on some kind of mission to get to that wheel to "FIX" something!

The Oceanic 6 and Ben
Jack and BenAs stated before, events continue off-island right where they left off in the finale. Jack is still staring at Jeremy Bentham/Locke in the coffin. Ben is working on getting Locke into the van and Jack is sitting around feeling sorry for himself.
- Jack states that none of the other 5 are his friends anymore and wonders how this happened. This gives Ben the opportunity to state the episode name "It happened because you left Jack" Well....correct me if I'm wrong, but Ben was the one that LET them leave in the finale! Perhaps, he knew then that getting the 6 back on the Island was his ticket back onto the Island. He told Locke that you can never come back if you move the Island. I'm inclined to think that he may have told another classic fib.
- Their first man to recruit is Hurley because he's in the institution, they'll find out soon enough that may be more difficult than they first thought!
- The next scene shows Ben and Jack in a motel room (well that sounds worse than I intended it to!). You may have seen this scene as Teaser Clip #2 a few weeks back. Jack shaves off the beard (darn, I hope we get to see more of Awful Fake Bearded Jack!)
- The intended order of pick-up was meant to be Hurley, Sun, Sayid then Kate (and Aaron)
Jack states that he changed his mind because Locke told him that Sawyer, Juliet and everyone else on the Island would die if he didn't come back. - Oh and when Jack indicates that Locke didn't tell Jack what happened when the Island moved, what on earth does Ben mean by "Then I guess we'll never know"? If Ben's intention is to get back to the Island, don't you think someone would catch them up on what's been going on? (Assuming they arrive at the right time on the Island and all) You would think that is a throwaway line from Ben, but since their whole mission is to go back and save them, I'm not so sure I get it!
- The only other scene with Ben and Jack in episode 1 was with them seeing the news that Hurley fled the Mental Institution and is a suspect in the murder of the man parked outside (the one that Sayid killed). Oh boy!
Sayid and Hurley
We continue with Sayid and Hurley after they make their run from the Mental Institution to the safe-house. For some reason, Sayid did find time to get Hurley some food from the Rainbow Drive-In.
- Sayid mentions that he killed the man outside the Institution because he's not taking any chances after Bentham/Locke died.
- Loved Hurley's "I need a codename" line!
- Then we get to Teaser Clip #3 that was shown during the re-airing of season 4's finale last week. Sayid tells Hurley that he worked for Ben doing awful things and warned Hurley that if he ever ran into Ben to do exactly the opposite of what he tells him to do (FORESHADOWING!)
- Then the big fight sequence with Sayid throwing a man over the ledge of the 2nd floor motel/apt. balcony, then fighting the other guy in the room. It seemed Sayid had the dishwasher set-up for such an occassion with loads of sharp knives pointing upward. For even after Sayid got show with a tranquilizer, he was still able to take the guy and shove him down on the knives.
- Of course, Hurley gets seen holding a gun outside on the balcony in front of another dead body which raises his suspected Murder Tally to 3!
- And when you hear Hurley state that "we never should've left the Island" you get the false sense of hope that he will be an easy recruit for Jack and Ben.
Kate and Aaron
Teaser Clip #1 for season 5! The first 2 clips have been sitting on the Lost Addicts Blog homepage since December! But alas, I will sum up. Kate and Aaron are in their home. Aaron watching cartoons (any significance to the choo choo train? I'm not looking into it!). The doorbell rings.
- Why it's Dan Norton from Agnostini & Norton! They claim to be some crazy law firm who wants blood samples of Kate and Aaron to determine relation. They would not reveal who their client was. (any guesses? Ben and Widmore come to mind naturally. Maybe ol' Matthew Abbaddon who is moonlighting on FRINGE!)
- Bottom line, Kate finds a way to defer the blood samples and requests them to bring the sheriff with them. She gets her hidden stash of money, packs a bag and goes on the run with Aaron. I don't think we see Kate leave California in the first 2 episodes, but I wonder if this will come into play since part of her court settlement was to remain in the state for 10 years. I mean come on, they wouldn't have made that part of her settlement if it wasn't going to play a part!
We catch up with Sun at the airport booking an Oceanic Flight to Los Angeles. She's probably using that Gold Pass they got from the Oceanic Settlement. However, before she can get too far, she is brought into a room for anothe run-in with her new buddy.
- For all you numbers fans you can hear 8:15 over the PA in the first clip of Sun walking in the airport.
- Here's a shot of Sun's Passport for anyone to analyze. I got nothing!
- So the man who summoned Sun was none other than Charles Widmore who was a little peeved at Sun approaching him in broad daylight and in public. "I will be respected!"
- Sun reveals that their common interests are in killing Benjamen Linus! Looks like Sun did pinpoint the correct person to blame for Jin's "supposed" death. (Judging by our season finale poll, and Daniel Dae Kim's casting status this season (Season regular)...the man has to be alive! just has to!) I'm guessing that ol' Jeremy Bentham must have come to Sun and explained to her how the freighter blew up. Ben viciously stabbing and killing Martin Keamy even though he knew it would kill everyone on the freighter. Sun mentioned to her Dad that there are 2 people she blames for Jin's death. I assumed one of them was Sun's Dad, which it probably still is. But they led us to think something else in episode 2 for a second!
- Anyway, I'm guessing recruiting Sun won't be very easy considering Jack is working with Ben! And what if Jack is the other man Sun blames? I'm guessing not, based on what we find out in episode 2. But I have my own RULES to follow! We'll talk about that later in the blog!
(Starting at 3 Years ago)
Okay, I put this off as long as possible. Get ready to blow your mind! Once again, our Island tale resumes immediately when Ben moves the Island. When the crazy Island glow subsides, we see everyone looking exactly how they appeared a few seconds before, but their surroundings have changed (kinda). Sawyer notices that freighter smoke is gone. Locke is no longer with his fellow others but still in the same location of the island. Oh and the CAMP is gone!
Sawyer and Crew
- Sawyer goes ahead and catches Juliet up on why he left the chopper and they assume that anyone on it died in the freighter explosion. Sawyer clearly is torn up about Kate supposedly biting the dust but he does mention "all of his friends that ever meant anything" at some point in the 2 episodes. So he may even be upset about Jack as well. I'm guessing if Jin IS alive, he may get to tell them that the chopper left the freighter giving them some sense of hope. Or maybe Locke will break that news to them. I'm not so sure Jin would have been in the "RADIUS" of the moving Island.
- Speaking of Radius, we did see that Dan on the Zodiac Boat WAS within the Radius. And thank the Lord, Frogurt was on the boat!
- Before you cry Nikki/Paolo on the Lost writers/producers, Frogurt (Neil) actually has been a mentioned character since season 1 (oops Season 2 - Here's some history of Frogurt.) And while he never was shown in an actual episode of LOST before, he was featured in one of the MOBI-SODES prior to season 4. I mean, can you blame the producers for putting them in there? They took 7 of the characters we know and love off of the Island this season (and 8 if you count Locke's dead body!). I'm guessing we'll see more of Rose and Bernard on the island too because we need to see people on the Island we know or else what's the motivation to come back and save them??!
- So we eventually get a reunion of the 3 remaining Freighter folk, Sawyer, Juliet, Rose, Bernard, and the rest of the survivors represented by Frogurt. By the way, Sawyer never interacted with Daniel before so this led to some entertaining spats. Oh and yes ladies, Sawyer was shirtless for the entire 1st episode, and you can thank Daniel for that since he wouldn't give up his shirt. (okay...why on earth would Daniel take his shirt off and give to Sawyer? Wouldn't that just make HIM shirtless? Oh well...still funny.)
- Before we get to complex the new nicknames from Sawyer -> Wiz Kid for Dan, Ginger for Charlotte.
- Okay, so the LOST Team isn't treading on this time travel stuff lightly. Dan will serve as our guide through these trials and they will beat into us how Time Travel works on LOST (even though they did beat this into us in various episodes before) There are some new wrinkles though. After Dan gets slapped by Sawyer after claiming he couldn't explain the situation to another Physicist let alone him, Daniel decides to try and explain.
- Daniel tells the crew to picture the Island as a record on a turntable, but picture it skipping (kinda like it did with Chang literally in the beginning of the episode). He said somehow when the Island was moved they may have become dislodged from time. woaaaaa huh? He then goes on to say that either the Island is moving or THEY themselves are actually moving through time. I guess we are to assume that they themselves are the ones moving. Is the Island moving too? or did it just move once? (we know it disappeared!) I'm just not sure how the people would move back and forth through time and STILL have to deal with SPACE as well. The environments on the Island are changing to how they were during the TIME that our time travelers were. The people that were on the Island at that time are there too. So I'm confused to how the Island could be moving WITH our time travelers since it had to be wherever it was at that time. Does that make sense? But at the same time, the Island DID disappear from the spot that it was in the season 4 finale, so it did move at least once! Where did it move? WHEN did it move? I'm sooooooo confused!
- Anyway, for some reason, it's only the Oceanic Survivors, Juliet and the Freighter 3 that are moving through time. Like I stated before, the people that were surrounding Locke stayed put. So this is bizarre in itself. I'm sure it has something to do with these people's destiny's and how they're not able to die yet until they accomplish something at some point in time. Perhaps it even will attribute to the various whispers we've heard in the jungle as the our Time Travelers are trying to avoid running in to themselves in the past!
- Okay, so Dan is using his trusty notebook and needs to figure out WHEN they are. He wants to find something Man-Made. So Juliet takes the crew to where the Swan Hatch used to be. Before they get to the hatch, I think they shift times to the future where the hatch is still non-existant. So they were on the Island at some point AFTER the Crash and the Hatch imposion. The Time Traveling crew is caught up to what Desmond was doing down there for 3 years before the Oceanic Crew took over.
- THEN the Island flashes again and the landscape changes (love when we catch Sawyer saying "Son of a....." while they are changing times!). The Hatch door is back (the one that Jack, Locke, Hurley and Kate blew open in season 1! (ahh memories!) So now they're at a time probably BEFORE the 815 crash.
- Sawyer immediately looks for the door to get some DHARMA supplies. This was a funny sub-plot as Sawyer didn't want to start over, making fires, hunting boar, etc...
- Daniel warns Sawyer of the reprecussions of running into Desmond who hasn't met Sawyer yet. Once again I'm confused. Didn't Desmond intentionally go to see Dan 8 years prior to them meeting, on Dan's request? Isn't the future supposed to course correct itself? So why would it matter if Sawyer ran into Desmond? I guess with Dan saying that the Island won't let Sawyer run into Desmon, that's supposed to be the explanation. Which would explain why Desmond in the yellow radiation jump suit didn't answer the door until they all left and Daniel tried alone.
- Daniel first consulted his notebook though...and I can only guess that he was looking at the page that said "If something goes wrong Desmond will be my Constant!"
- Quick sidenote - at some point Miles and Charlotte have a quick conversation to if Widmore is going to try and find them again. Miles notes that it took Widmore 20 years to find it the last time. I wonder if it had been 20 years since Charles Widmore has LEFT the island. And I wonder if that means we'll run into a younger Charles Widmore ON the Island during all this crazy time tripping. This also reminds me that this could be another way to get Rousseau's backstory since the Time Traveling crew may see it first hand!
- 2nd Sidenote - Charlotte is getting nosebleeds! Uh oh! Last nosebleed we saw was Desmond and Communications Guy on Freighter who died! (why am I forgetting his crazy name?) Dan looks concerned but comforts Charlotte into saying she's okay.
- Okay, so Daniel knocks on the hatch door and yellow suited Desmond answers. We get the classic "Are you him?" and a bunch of "brothaaaa"'s from Desmond. Meanwhile Daniel tells Desmond that he is the only one that can save them. He said that the "RULES" don't apply to Desmond (hmmmm). He gave his name and said to Go to Oxford and find my mother (I have a theory on who the Mom might be but stay tuned for the end of the recap)
- We'll get to the other end of this sequence after Locke's story!
- Okay so as I was saying earlier, when the Island initially moves, all of the Others that Locke is now in charge of disappear. I've lost track of how many times the Island or the Time Traveling crew moved, but Locke wandered around for awhile looking for some answers.
- So in the initial time after the island moved Locke witnessed the crash of the Nigerian Plane carrying Yemi and the Heroin! Woaaaaa
- We got an Answer to how did the Nigerian Plane ended up on the Island when the Island was in the south pacific? Because the Island moved to that location AND time for it to happen I'm guessing. Of course, I'm still confused at how only certain people are moving through time and if the island is moving locations at the same time, but I've already discussed that! But what if the Island moved once to off the coast of Nigeria, and then the Survivors + Other + Freighter 3 somehow got dislodged in time while the Island stayed put after the move? I know it makes no sense, but if Dan can't explain it to anyone, how am I supposed to?!
- Locke checks out the plane crash and it's back up at the top of the cliff over the Pearl Station, right where it used to be (anyone else think of Boone?)
- Locke began to climb up but then got shot down by none other than ETHAN! woaaaa Locke tries to explain that Ben put him in charge of the OTHERS and Ethan doesn't believe it for a second. And before it even matters, time changes again!
- This time we're at some point in the distant future (I'm guessing AFTER the Oceanic 6 have left). The plane was on the ground and Locke went inside of it. Richard comes to find Locke. Dress his wound and doesn't waste time explaining the following: At some point prior to that moment Locke is going to tell Richard that he's going to get shot and that Richard needs to come and fix him. Richard also informs Locke that he needs to leave the Island and bring back the people that left. It's the only way to SAVE the island. And to do this, he's going to have to DIE. Huh???? Are we getting into some Christian Motifs here? Well, that would make sense considering the last dead man in a coffin to come to the Island and walk around is "Christian Shepard!" (I think I made that sound terribly more ingenius than it really is!)
- Richard also gives Locke a Compass. It sure looks like the Compass that he showed Locke as a Boy when Locke took the knife. Now why would Richard give Locke a compass? Remember in season one when we found out the Compass didn't point North as they thought it would? I wonder if we need to keep that in mind going forward? Or if we already resolved that one with the large Magnetic presence on the island? Anyway, Richard said that the next time he runs into Locke he will not recognize him. Richard asked Locke to give him the compass when they next meet. Now what this has to do with the "Which of these BELONGED to you" scene when Locke was a boy? No idea.
- Time shifts again while Richard is talking and Locke is back in the past again with the Plane in the tree. (Anyone starting to get a Quantum Leap vibe here? Man I loved th show!
So, as Dan is talking to Desmond on the Island, he begins to shift time and then we follow Desmond to the Off-Island future. He wakes up. Penny is there. He says he was on the Island. Apparently Desmond was suddenly infused with the memory of his conversation with Dan. (Does this mean that when Desmond talked to Dan in the past at Oxford he was suddenly infused with THAT memory?) And why would Desmond get the memory at THAT exact moment? They have been off the island for 3 years at that point? Oh's a TV Show, I'm sure they have their ideas! I can't worry about it too much, because it was AWESOME! We find out that Desmond and Penny are living on a boat off the cost of somewhere nice. Must still be in hiding (remember Jack telling him "Don't let them (or him) find you" Anyway, Desmond tells Penny that he HAS to help his friends and that they're going to OXFORD!
Great first episode, and it would've been enough to satisfy me for one week, but we still have another hour to go! (this one shouldn't be "AS" complicated to recap)
Episode 2 - The Lie
Oceanic 6/Ben
On Penny's Boat
We open up with what I guess can be considered a Flashback of the Oceanic 6 (before they officially became the Oceanic 6) discussing the plan on Penny's Boat "The Searcher."
- Basically this scene was to add more weight and explanation to the whole "LIE" that they kind of rushed into the season finale last year. Jack explains that while they are protecting the people left behind (from Widmore and goons who sent people there to kill them all) they also are protecting themselves from being seen as CRAZY. Who would believe in a land full of smoke monsters, others, word saving 1980 Computers, and disappearing Islands?
- Penny adds that there will be no way to call her father off the search.
- Frank makes an appearance! He says he'll go with the flow with whatever they decide.
- Everyone ends up being on board but Hurley is the last one they have to convince. Sayid does the convincing. Hurley tells him that he's going to remember this and someday when it's needed, he will not help Sayid. (Poor Hurley, he can never turn his back on a friend in need!)
Hurley (with knocked out Sayid)
Hurley is on the run and trying to figure out how to get Sayid conscious again (remember the tranquilizer?). He's driving them somewhere and gets pulled over by a cop (or so he thinks!)
- The cop is Ana Lucia! Yet another Ghost visiting Hurley. She gives instructions to Hurley on what to do. Get new clothes, get to someone you can trust. Oh and Libby says hi! Wait, so do these ghosts all gather somewhere to hang out? I'm guessing we won't get an answer to the visions until the final season. And I imagine it will be as bizarre an explanation as the Time Traveling Island and Inhabitants!
- Hurley pulls over at a convenience store, pops some shades on Sayid and heads into the store. Gets him an "I Heart Shiht-zu" T-shirt (yep can't spell it...but I always think of Dumb and Dumber when I think of that dog!). The cashier recognizes him and Hurley is on the TV as a 3 murder suspect. Not much here except suspense!
- Hurley takes Sayid to his parents' house and tries to get Cheech (errr Hurley's Dad) to help. The pressure of the lie begins to build on Hurley as he wants to confess.
- btw...Hurley's Dad is watching Expose' The favorite show within a show on LOST
- Hurley is too paranoid to take Sayid to a Hospital (See: Godfather) so he asks his father to take him to Jack. Stay tuned!
- Meanwhile Hurley stays behind with his mother and confesses the whole truth about the Oceanic Crash. Smoke Monsters, Others, Moving Island and all. And just when you think he'll be dismissed as truly crazy, Hurley's mother believes! Woaaaa...this happening to the same dude that whenever he said he had bad luck, everyone dismissed it!
- One more scene with Hurley, but we'll hold off for a sec!
Kate and Sun
Kate is in her car looking at a map and we see her looking into Beverly Hills or something. (I guess she wants to go see how Dixon is doing with Choir that reboot 90210 show is awful!) Anyway, she wants to call Jack but can't bring herself to do it (awwww). Instead she gets a call from an old friend. I was beginning to think it was Sawyer's Baby-Mama Cassidy, but was Sun, whom Kate goes to visit.
- Sun shows a picture of Ji Yeon and we find out that they must not have spoken since the Press Conference, as Kate didn't even know the baby's name.
- We get some pseudo flashbacks (aka clips from the finale) where we see Kate going after Jin, but then ending up back on the chopper. Right when we think Sun is going to name Kate as the 2nd person she blames for Jin's "Death" she says that they all probably would have died if she continued to go after Jin. She tells Kate she doesn't blame her. But then asks how Jack is! Now if you recall, Jack is the one that grabbed Kate and brought her back to the chopper. But again, I think Sun blames her father and Ben for Jin's "Death" And I wonder if when Sun encounters Ben and is ready to kill him, that Ben will have knowledge of Jin's whereabouts. He is always 10 steps ahead of everyone!
- ADDED -Whoops, forgot to mention that Kate told Sun about her issue with the people asking for the blood test. Sun stated that whoever it is does not want to expose the LIE. They want the baby! Hmmm....who could it be?
We begin with Jack and Ben packing up at the motel. Then they go their separate ways eventually.
- Ben tells Jack that he dumped his drugs. Loved that exchange "I was going to do the same thing" "Well I figured you were!" Great stuff!
- Ben tells Jack to go home and pack anything that you want from this world because you're never coming back to which Jack says "GOOD" Wow....Jack has really done a 180 since his quest to get everyone off of the island.
- Eventually we get to a point where Hurley's Dad brings Sayid to Jack. Cheech tells Jack to stay away from his son as Jack doesn't have Hugo's best interest's at heart. So Jack calls Ben and tells him about the situation!
- 1 Oceanic 6'er recruited - Jack revives Sayid and after some choking they are fine. Jack catches Sayid up to what happened with Hurley. Sayid asks if anyone else knows about the situation. Which I'm guessing leads to Jack totally catching Sayid up with the Benjamen Linus business. But this is the last we see from these 2 for this episode.
Ben is on a mission to put Locke's Corpse in storage until they're ready for it. He goes to a Butcher Shop and this is where we continue his story.
- Ben's Ticket at the butcher was 42. oooh numbers! Love me some numbers!
- We meet Jill the Butcher. She apparently knows Ben and knows who Locke is and what purpose he is to serve. Does she have any relation to the person at the end of the episode? Maybe. Anyway, she is going to watch Locke's corpse (I guess stick him in the meat locker?)
- There is also mentions of Gabriel and Jeffrey....hmmm who are they? Anyone we've met yet? But they're in on the plan too.
- The next we see Ben he pays Hurley a visit (after Jack's phone call). He explains to Hurley how they want to go back to the Island. He tries to convince him by telling Hurley that he'll never have to lie again. But Hurley remembers his friend's advice to do the opposite and he turns himself into the police admitting to the 3 murders. He does this with a smile on his face. And thus, Hurley becomes the most difficult person to get! (This show better not become PRISON BREAK!)
- We find out, as Sawyer puts on a shirt, that all of their belongings that they had with them are time traveling too. Huh???? This one I thought was kind of silly. But, hey whatever works. I'm not questioning the show at this point!
- Dan arrives back at the camp and says he needs to calculate where they are in time.
- There is more Frogurt to go around for everyone to enjoy!
- Charlotte's condition worsens as she gets continual headaches and is having trouble remembering things like her mother's maiden name. She suspects that Dan knows what is happening to her.
- At some point Miles went out to look for food and I think he brought a dead Boar back to feast on. He knew the boar was dead for 3 hours (probably more of his ultra-sensitivity to the Dead and Ghosts at work).
- Anyway, Neil/Frogurt starts flipping out and thankfully a flaming arrow strikes him in the heart. GOODBYE FROGURT! We hardly knew you or missed you!
- Of course, then a barrage of flaming arrows come their way. When exactly are they? It can't be too long ago, because I thought the plane was still on the cliff during the last LEAP (yep, I'm going with Quantum Leap terminology now). Anyway, there is a new threat on the island for them to deal with and we're not quite sure who they are yet!
- The last scene we see is Sawyer and Juliet in the jungle (I smell a new budding romance!) running into some military folk who are ask them what they're doing on THEIR Island. hmmmmm who are these people? My first guess would be whoever Charles Widmore was with back in his hey dey. But I'm still confused to WHEN they were if the Nigerian Plane was already on the island! (Commenters help!)
- Anyway just as we think all hope is lost for Sawyer and Juliet, Locke shows up with his knife and slaughters the two dudes. Ahhh and everyone is reunited again. UPDATE: After rewatching this, it looks like Locke didn't kill everyone. In particular, the man that was doing the talking was captured not killed. I'm even more convinced now that this guy is either Charles Widmore himself or that these military dudes are in some way related to Widmore.
- I think I've done enough time travel theorizing for one day and I'm sure we'll have plenty more to chew on in a 1 hour episode week!
Mrs. Hawking and Ben
Well, I guess we still have ONE more Time Travel subject. Back in the "PRESENT DAY" (or Oceanic 6 timeline), we see a cloaked woman typing on a computer, and watching a pendulum swing and mark some kind of crazy axis. She's writing formulas on a chalboard. We see a screen that says "EVENT WINDOW DETERMINED"

- And we find out it's none other than MRS. Hawking! (the woman from the Jewlery store who confronted Desmond in his "Flashes Before Your Eyes" episode, and also pictured with the Monk where Desmond studied to be a BROTHAAAAA!!!!
- So Mrs. Hawking DOES have a big role to play in this unwinding story. We always suspected she would!
- Anyway, this little techno/ancient area is in the basement of a Church where she has a discussion with ol' Benjamen Linus! She informs Ben that he has 70 hours to get them all back to the Island. Ben asks what if he can't get them ALL to go back at one time. Then she says the line that we opened up this 2 hours with "Then God Help Us All!"
Whew, I'm tired! That's a lot of writing for a short amount of time. Anyway, looks like even Ben has someone to report to. So who exactly IS Mrs. Hawking? She apparently can track the Island, and that computer looked eerily similar to the DHARMA computers. But is she the one responsible for bringing all people to the Island? Also, could she be Dan's mother that Desmond on his way to find? Only issue is, she's in Los Angeles, and Desmond is going to Oxford! I'm sure we won't get all of the answers quite yet. But this was one crazy scene and I'm dying for more!
But for now, I'm going to let that be it! I'm glad to be back blogging about the best show on TV, and I hope you're excited to keep reading and commenting! We're back folks! And what a way to come back. Blowing our minds into Yesterday (or Tomorrow!!) With that, I take my leave. See you next week and comment away! NAMASTE!
Thanks again to (AKA Sledgeweb) for always providing fantastic screenshots on your site for me to "BORROW!" My blog wouldn't be nearly as exciting without them!
it's good~ :)
producers discuss premiere with Doc Jensen:,,1550612_20245764,00.html?bcpid=4396297001&bclid=4370457001&bctid=8633859001
Do you think Mrs. Hawking is Daniel's mom? Or Charlotte's mom because they made a mention of her not remembering her maiden name? I'm also wondering who Daniel's wife is when he is watching the news they found the 815 wreckage in "Confirmed Dead." We never saw her face!
Is it possible, that their camp and other possessions were missing because they jumped way into the future? Maybe the army guys that Locke kills are Widmore people yet to come?
Why is that song, "Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin into the future" stuck in my head!!!
Anna-lucia tells Hurley don't get arrested but Siyad tells Hurley to do the oppisite of Ben says. Thus getting arrested when he stops by the his parents.
I have a theory that the Others are part of the island. That's why they all disappeared around Locke when the time shift happened.
I thought those Army guys that threatened to kill Juliette and Sawyer were members of the Dharma Initiative.
Loved Hurley flinging that hot pocket, and the flaming end to Frogurt, and Libby says hi. too too funny.
Man Mike V - you make me think too too much. LOL When Locke was left alone after that first leep my pea brain just assumed that the others were no longer with him cause whatever date/time they leaped to - the others were literally somewhere else on the island. I didn't think the island was actually leaping as well, adn i assumed that all on the island time leaped. UGH! ;-D
I also leaped to Mrs. Hawkins being Daniel's mom. While we see her in LA right now, she has been in britain to talk to Des in the past. But - since so many of us are thinking that she's mom - she's probably not.
That cameramans voice was soooo Daniel Faraday !
BUT - last night while trying to assimilate so much at once I was guessing that with the island time changing all the time, that what we saw was Daniel infiltrating the Others to learn from the past, so to speak. And that was how we were going to learn of the DI past - our current islanders were going to be with them in the various time changes. NOW I am beginning to wonder if Daniel is like Richard somehow? He doesn't age and has come and go from the island from the beginning ??
Not too many are talking about Changs baby - which surprised me. I'm thinking that the fertility issues started later - like after the purge.
Any one on the lawyers names ? I've seem other posts where peeps are tyring to make them mean something - but I got nothing !
Great recap Mike - as always ! And great to have our show back .
Oh - forgot to state that I like the brits who captured Juls and Sawyer as crew from the Black Rock.
Their coveralls with the name on them are very 'naval' to me !
Or it could be that DI brought in some para-military/security while they were building all their stations and such too.
I also wanted to add that I loved the use of Cheap Trick's "Dream Police" as the background music when Hurley was in the convenience store. Cheap Trick rocks, and that song is perfect for this series in so many ways.
Anonymous, interesting thought with Charlotte's Mom being Mrs. Hawking. We might even get to witness Charlotte's birth on the island if they keep up this crazy time traveling. Was that Daniel's wife in that episode? I thought for sure he wasn't married since he has the hots for Charlotte. But it is a good question in wondering who that person is. And if we are to meet her again, they probably didn't show her because they hadn't officially cast the role yet! lol
Don, I think they were in the PAST when they saw the soliders because Locke saw the plane up in the cliff...but I really need to watch the episode again to get it all straight! I mean, they looked like 1940's military guys. (not that I know what military guys in the 1940's look like for sure!) Also not sure if they were DHARMA...they weren't wearing the standard DHARMA-Gear we've become accustomed to. But who knows? (thanks for coming over to the LOST Blog Ian - hope you enjoy!) Also, I think the Black rock crew are hundreds of years older than our current LOSTIES, so I'm not sure the military gear suits them very much!
MJ - yikes...that's a novel! (I'm one to talk!) Well I think Richard made a comment to Locke that the OTHERS didn't move anywhere when Locke leaped. They were in that same spot just in a different time. So it was Locke that disappeared to them. But we still know that the island disappeared! So it must've moved to some place and possibly time! As the producers said in their interview I refenced...we're meant to be questioning this stuff and they have episodes coming up that will hopefully fill in the blanks!
I think we made the big connection between Dan and Hawking because of those crazy chalkboards full of formulas! You're probably right, seems to obvious for it to be true. Of course, I thought Locke in the coffin was too obvious to be true...and look how that turned out!
I heard some rumors out there that Chang's Baby might actually be Miles. I dunno...that seems a bit convenient! But I guess it could be true. It would explain why he might have these crazy supernatural tendencies...since people that get Island Fever seem to have a heightened sense about them! (you know...for seeing ghosts and such)
As for anagrams with Agnosti and So and So....i have no interest for such games! lol If someone figures it out, then I'm all ears!
Thanks for the blog props! I'm looking forward to digesting just one episode a week again next week!
I'm more willing to believe the baby crying in Comic Con Pierre Chang Video is Charlotte over Miles. Remember at the end of last season Miles was suprised that she wanted to leave the Island so soon after she tried so hard to get back to the island. Also, she told Daniel that she was looking to for where she was born.
Miles seems to convienent to me. He knows about the purge so why would he just try to blackmail Ben out money instead of seeking revenge for his father's death?
When Locke traveled back in time, how is it that he was able to speak with Ethan before their first real encounter? Faraday stated to Sawyer, that such a thing wasn't possible when he wanted to speak with Desmond?
So I thought that the ppl Locke killed were Danielle's ppl. They were on the island for what 16 years or so, the plane could have been there that long too.
Also I think Charlottes parents are "Adam and Eve". I like the idea of Miles being Mr Candle's babies.
I also think that Richard is goin to end up being Faraday's child or grandchild and he is has perfected the time traveling and he just travels back to the times he needs to be. Maybe not Faraday's but one of thier grandchildren...its a stretch but would explain why he doesnt age.
one word... AWESOME
I love this site :0)
First of all....WOW! For the show and for the blog...My jaw is still on the floor!
Some theories I hadn't considered about who the baby was and about Charlotte and Ms. is still possible that both of them were born on the island, maybe that is Miles' reason for goes to the island, as it is Charlotte's, he just hasn't shared it yet.
It makes more sense for Charlotte to be Ms. Hawking's offspring considering the fact that she is English, as is Charlotte and Faraday isn't English..
One thing you didn't mention Mike is Ben's reaction to Jack's question about Locke. When Ben mentioned that Locke's body was in the back of the van and he had to get it to a safe place Jack asked "He is dead, isn't he?"(words to that effect) and Ben dismissed that question and merely reiterated what he had said before: "I'll meet you in six hours." I found that quite interesting actually, but I guess that might be a biased view because I posted that theory. At first I thought Farahday was showing up in the past rather than it being to do with the Time Travelling...
I was sooo shocked (Charlie hanging shocked) when Charlotte got her nosebleed..I soo don't want her to die because I want her and Daniel to live happily ever after!!!
I have much more to add but I can barely type thanks to a few glasses of Rosé wine...more to come tomorrow....maybe.
Charlotte and Daniel seem kind of formal in their embraces. I like Miles for Candle's kid and Mrs Hawking could surely be Charlotte's mom.
Mike V, you'll get a kick out of this. Last year when HC reprised Godspell, they used wooden crates/cubes with the philosopher's names printed on them for set pieces. Rousseau and Locke were on the same cube! I giggled!
Don't you see how stiff Daniel and Charlotte are when they hug? It doesn't feel right to me.
I'm forwarding this link to my son and my niece who are huge fans. I'll be digging deeper.
Such a great show, recap and comments thus far. I'm going to start off with one question: Who is the client of the lawyers that came to Kate's house? I suspect it's none other than Sun herself.
I'm thinking Sun will evolve into a great depression over the loss of Jin, blame it on both her dad and Jack, and finally start exacting some sort of revenge on those she holds responsible for her sad lot in life. Of course by using her majority stake in Paik Industries, she can now begin a war of sorts on those that have caused her unbearable grief.
A really mean, nasty Sun would be so cool for the show. She starts with Kate because she wants to take the most precious person in Kate's life away from here so that Kate can feel just how it is to feel the same pain/emotions that she is going through.
You think Hurley was arrested by the cops but the black guy was Abbadon and the one who cuffed him was none other than Mr. Pierre Chang
the 2 lawyers were Ben's Gabriel and Jeff.
I think the others have already time traveled so have "constants" and Des will make it back to the island using Faradays time machine in oxford perhaps, would be quicker than flying to LA
I see Mrs. H as Daniels mom who is in LA at the Dharma station Lighthouse/church basement. What does a lighthouse do but guide you home.
Whew lots of posts! Can't respond to all right now, but David, good call. I really meant to touch on Jack asking if Locke was dead and Ben ignoring it. Then again, if that's the only thing I missed, I'm amazed! lol
Interesting thought on Sun being behind the lawyers...also interesting that they good be Gabriel and Jeff!
I'll have to be checking on the stiffness in the Charlotte/Daniel hugs from now on! I hadn't noticed.
DC, I actually went back and watched arrest scene real quick. It does look like it could've been Chang and Abbadon since they don't really clearly show who arrested him. At the same time though, I think Ben would have recognized the people arresting Hurley and wouldn't have just stood by and let it happen. Cool thought though and you never know!
All great comments, and thanks for the props on the blog!
If you look further back in the episode when Hurley is at his dad's and the 'LAPD' knock on the door and Cheech has to go and answer it and lie for Hurley about him being do get a brief shot of the people who eventually arrest him. I have tried to screenshot it but it kind of isn't working very well...This is one of the things that I forgot to add last night, about Abbadon(how do you actually spell it??) being at the door because it is something I noticed but wasn't sure if it was him...if I can get the picture sorted I will.
Those uniforms, were korean war era uniforms, thats 50's to 60's style. Either British or US soliders. I watch too much history channel.
Also, how crazy would it be if the others were actually decendents of the losties as they got stuck in the past. most likely not the case, but it gave me a head trippin moment watching the show thinking about it.
And i think the lady in the church is bens mom. Who else would he answer to? Ben dont answer to anyone cept his mamma. i know she "died" giving birth but nobody dies on lost.
Interesting with the Korean War uniform stuff Jeff (errr Taylorman!). I totally think they're Young Widmore related, which I theorized in the blog. I'm thinking we'll find out soon enough.
As for Hawking being Ben's Mom....very interesting. I did find it weird that Ben was actually taking orders from someone other than Jacob. And we do know we saw Ghost Mom on the Island in a Ben flashback. But I'm not buying it! She's probably related to someone somehow, but I just don't know about Ben!
Yeah, there definitely is a cop dude that looks like Abbadon...but definitely no clear shots either. I'm guessing since he's doing Fringe full-time...if they got him to fly to Hawaii to be in an episode, they'd make it a little more obvious! lol But good luck on those screenshots David!
My guess is the two who "arrested" Hugo are Ben's two cohorts. Remember, Ben always has a plan, and Hugo played right into it.
I have managed to capture the bit that I want...looking at it though, it looks like they are intending it to be him but it isn't actually the same actor, kind of like they did with Walt (didn't they?)
This is the best picture of him:
That would make sense with Ben always having a plan, but he also seemed in a state of panic when he told Mrs. Hawking that Reyes got arrested or that he lost him and knowing that they had 70 hours to get everyone to the Island.
But that doesn't mean that Ben won't have a plan soon enough!
This is the best image i could find of the uniforms i was talking about. Im going from memmory of the episode, if sombody has a screen grab of the soliders to compare that might help
nice screenshots David! I'm still not buying it. The actor has an unmistakeable appearance. I just don't think they would have a stand-in for him.
They needed a stand-in for Walt, because he has grown 5 feet in the past 4 seasons! lol
address got cut off, click my name for image
For a long time now I've had the sad feeling that Des and Penny will turn out to be Adam and Eve. They are, after all, the big love story of the show.
Sun is definitely up to no good but not sure she is behind the blood tests for Aaron. If she were, why then tell Kate that the reason someone is doing this to her is not to reveal the lie ? Why point that out ?
Feels like a Ben manipulation to me.
So - when we see Daniel at Orchid while it is being built - has he moved thru time like we were seeing in those 2 eps, or are we seeing the past as it already happened ???
Were Desmond's flashs really that - or was her remembering having lived thru certain things already - in a loop ??
I always thought that maybe Adam and Eve were Jack and Kate because Jack took the black and white stones out of their pocket and I was just waiting for confirmation that time travel was a factor.
Not sure if anyone has mentioned, but what was Ben pulling out of the vent in the hotel room with Jack? Can't really be anything from the island, so who knows.
im really wondering what is happening to charlotte, she is having the bloody nose like des and minkowski but she isnt going back in time. it doesnt make sense. i also think sun is behind the blood test guys, i have a felling we will see a very bad side of her soon.(hopefully not though, i really like sun) and does anybody else see a huge resemblence between charlie and aarin?i no they arent related in anyway, but he looks a ton like charlie, he is sooo adorible! oh! and i highly doubt that that was abbodon, it looked nothing like him and i doubt they would use someone esle to play his part.
First off i want to say amazin blog and comments my heads still melted tho!!! i never got into lost properly untill this summer i was sick and my boyfriend bought me the box set which is the best present iv ever been givin anyway my point is this is the first time iv come onto the blogs because i was never as obsessed as i am now with the show. it just aired 3 hours ago in ireland and i was straight onto google to try get my head around it. heres my theories about the episodes i dunno if they're too obvious as this is my first time blogging...i just need to get it off my chest
i think that ben sent the lawyers to kates house to force her to want to go back to the island or just run as not to get aaron taken off of her.
i think the idea that mrs h is faradays mom is really good cause of the chalkboard with all the sums on it.
Why would the lady in the scene where Daniel sees the 815 wreckage be his wife? He likes Charlotte! They even make that clear in season 4. Maybe that woman is his mother or his sister, or just a friend. I am sure the producers will make it clear sometime soon if it is anything important.
oh! and aaron looks so much like charlie! they are both adorable!;)
^^^^^sorry i dunno what i pressed to make that published again first time on this site anyway as i was sayin
i dont think that the men who arrested hurley was abbadon because from what i remember he visited hurley in the institution and when they were talkin to hurleys dad in his house hurley was lookin thru that little window and did'nt say anything and since he does'nt like ben id presume he'd freak out.
i dunno tho.
i love the taylorman idea that the others are decendants of the losties.
also i think that suns gonna turn bad.
anyway thanks for helpin me get my head round it this place is like a support group for lost addicts ha!!!
does anyone else think that Lock isn't really dead, and that is really not his body but a double???
i love Lost! I can't wait for Wednesday! The commercial was intense.
I wish charlie was alive<3<3<3
and daniel is totally not married. You can see he likes Charlotte! I hope she doesn't die!and i feel so bad for sawyer (i love him!), he thinks kate is dead! (she should so be with sawyer rather than jack, he is so much better!)
I wonder what Mrs. Hawking really has to do with the island, and how locke gets of, and why he has to die.all these questions! I need some answers! lol
Aaron is so adorible! he looks sooooo much like charlie it's insane!!
does anybody think claire is still alive!!!!
i sure hope she is, cuz if she's not then charlie died for nothing!
Ok, I've been thinking about this time travell thing way too much.
the O6 left the island before it "moved" and when that happened it sent the island into skipping record format. The question is why? Why would them coming back save everyone on the island? Why is the island moving through time?
The answer is because those 6 are linked to the future and past of the island and it cant "go forward" with out them.
Lock always says that your not supposed to leave, you cant leave. But not until now do we begin to understand what the ramifications of leaving entail. Since they cant move forward in present time, the island went fail safe mode, reliving the past. The trick is, that nobody can change the past, nobody can alter the future because it is already written for them.
If the 06 had stayed on the island, and Ben moved it, i believe that this would not have happened. But because Widmore "Broke the Rules" as Ben alluded to in his bedroom confrontation, i think we learn that some people do have the power to change events. I believe those people are Jack, Ben, and Charles Widmore. You could compare them to certian god theories, god, devil, and a man of free will, but i wont.
I could go on, but im just rambelling to get these thoughts out of my head. I dont even know what i said.
I like your thoughts, the island has definitely been thrown for a loop with the O6 not on the island. But where have Jack, Ben, and Charles Widmore shown power to change events? The only person show to be able to do that is Desmond and he wasn’t able to keep the timeline from course correcting for very long either (see Charlie).
As for the broken rules, I’m still waiting to find out what the rules are so we know which ones have been broken. I’m sure we’ll find out Ben has broken a few himself.
tv guide got a few questions answered by Team Darlton - not spoilery - just thought provoking.
Pretty good theory Jeff (taylorman). I guess we still just don't know if the island is stuck in a loop or if it's just the 815ers, Juliet, and Freighter 3. I'm sure it will be clarified in the coming episodes. but i like the idea that time can't continue until they return.
thanks for the link will be nice to look forward to that weekly segment on TV Guide.
And Stedman...welcome back!
Everyone else, thanks for the continued compliments on the blog. I'm glad the audience is still growing and enjoying. Keep up the great commentary! I'll chime in when I can.
Note: I made some corrections to the blog. i.e. when rewatching i realized Locke didn't kill all those British troops on the Island. And I think the one guy that they have captured may be young Charles Widmore himself, or might possibly lead them to him! Exciting stuff!
Hi Mike
I would have chimed in sooner but my recorder decided Lost was on Thursday instead of Wednesday so I didn't actually see them till the replayed it on Saturday. Must have been a bubble of slow time around my recorder lol.
I wish I could take credit for this observation but remember way back in season one when Locke and Boone found the plane. As they approached it Locke started limping and eventually couldn’t walk so Boone had to climb up to the plane. Well now we find out that Locke was shot by Ethan in the leg around the plane in the past, could the pain of being shot in the leg jump forward to when he found the plane with Boone in season one be caused by the island jumping? Locke’s vision of the plane in that episode "Deus Ex Machina" could have just been a new memory surfacing like what Dan did to Desmond. What about the whispers being voices from the past/future due to island jumping. Man I love this show!
Yeah stedman I was discussing both things this weekend with some people. I love both theories. I was kinda thinking along the same lines in the blog about the whispers but I like it better being conversations from past/future. The limping thing when I watched I was thinking that they were trying to mirror that season 1 episode intentionally but idiot me didn't try to tie it together through time travel lol I love it!
i totally agrre with sun being behind the men wanting aarons blood sample! she just wants a way to get to kate! she is naughty! but totally i wish she new jin is still there for her!!! and JiYeon is such a pretty name!
claire so has to be alive! desomd even said he died to save them! so if she is dead that mean desmond lied to charlie and he died for no reason at all. poor claire! the scene where hurley tells her charlie is dead is sososososo sad! long live charlie! <3
The ability to change things i was talking about, was widmore ordering the bens daughters death (against the rules), Jack getting everyone off the island (which locke told him he wasnt allowed to) and Ben's getting jack to remove his tumor (The island is supposed to heal people, not give them tumors)
Its a loose theory, I know, but these are the 3 power struggles, 3 outside forces asserting their will on an island where you are led to believe that you cant change destiny, and the island has reacted to it causing it to defend its self.
Its just something that im fleshing out in my head. Tomorrow i could be completly wrong!
I agree with one of the Anonymous' - it's Ben behind Kate's lawyers since he is trying to get everyone together. He knew she would run, probably to Jack, who can recruit her. What better place to go than the island to evade the police?
I agree with the bloggers who see an awkwardness between Charlotte and Daniel. Feels like Luke and Leia to me. I'm guessing it is real and they are related - maybe brother and sister, maybe he's her dad, etc.
Something that came back to me reading one of the comments just now...Mike, I know you touched on this in the blog but I want to take it a bit further...
When Sawyer was huffing and puffing and trying to bang the down down of the hatch after the time on the island flipped, Dan said it was futile because you can't change what hasn't happened yet...or something...basically because Desmond and Sawyer hadn't met yet, they couldn't meet now, can't change the course of history.
Then I remembered Dan saying to Desmond that "the rules don't apply to him" and then he started telling him all kinds of instructions. Just before that though, Desmond asked why Dan had been banging on his door for the past 20 minutes when it was obviously Sawyer. That has made me think that the rules don't apply to Dan either because they were able to meet and talk and Desmond heard the knocks on the door but couldn't when Sawyer was knocking. I think the reason he said to Desmond that the rules don't apply to him is that he has already been time flipping, just as Dan (I think) has when he was in Oxford. I think that is why they are able to interact as well.
Is it stating the obvious that the reason Desmond is the only one who can save them (Dan said it not me!) is because he is off the island as well as on the island? I do like the theory put forth about The Oceanic 6 and how the island can't progress stabley while they are off the island. I think that is very very plausible.
Wednesday has come round VERY quickly this week, wouldn't you agree?! :P
Hmm...I just figured Desmond meant that he heard the knocking when Sawyer was doing it but didn't answer (i.e. he just assumed it was Dan the whole time). And maybe he didn't answer because he the universe was course correcting itself to ensure that he wouldn't answer. However, Dan and Desmond HAD met in the past before (at Oxford), so maybe they could interact or something. (something to do with Constants I'm sure)
Of course, then the question is why, personally, did it take Desmond 20 minutes to open the door. Did he think it was the "hostiles??" and was afraid to open the door? And come to think of it, where was Kelvin during all of this? Because Kelvin was there right up until 815 crashed (because Desmond killed him while the clock was winding down causing 815 to crash). Crazy stuff! And I thought Kelvin never let Desmond go outside? ooooh boy...i may spell a continuity issue! See what you did David? you made me overthink it! lol
And yes, i'm very excited about the 7 day wait for new episodes. It takes a week to digest this stuff and then we're ready for more!
I think the answer is that Dan was just lying to Sawyer. Sawyer could have met Desmond; he just wouldn’t have recognized him and probably would have gotten shot. Dan is trying to protect everyone and minimize interactions of the 815er’s with people from the past and messing with the timeline. Dan thinks he knows what’s going on so he’s the one taking the risks and adding to the past.
Lost reference on Colbert Report. He was talking the pharmaceutical companies stopping promotion of free swag to doctors and a check was flashed on the screen made out to Jeremy Bentham. The date of the check was 9/22/04 and the check number was 4815. Fast forward to 4min15sec if you don't want to watch the whole thing. Funny stuff.
the woman with dan is not is wife, abc said that it was his caretaker when they replayed the show doing that "enhanced" version with all the stuff at the bottom of the screen. also, any way that the monk in desmonds monastary is jacob? he was pictured with mrs. hawking on his desk. just a thought...
new weekly video segment with Doc Jensen on ew "Totally Lost",,1550612_20245764,00.html?bcpid=4396297001&bclid=9302206001&bctid=9298105001
oh the lady that was with dan being his caretaker makes alot more sense! but why did he need a caretaker?
Anyone know why Hugo has a bunch of blood on his shirt after he picked up Sayid's gun?
It was ketchup from his "comfort food."
Rather nice blog you've got here. Thanks for it. I like such themes and everything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read a bit more soon.
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Glad to be delving into a new season of Lost, though kinda bummed it only has 35 episodes to go. Well, wait a minute, am I really bummed? The show has been such a whirlwind of complex plots and chopped-up chronology it makes me a bit dizzy. And at this point, I think it's good the show has a set end game, since this doesn't seem like a series that should stretch on for 8 or 9 seasons. It's arguable that it should've only run five seasons (with adjustments being made in earlier seasons to allow the telling of the same full-length story), but I'm guessing Mike won't agree with me on that one!
So I've read in the past that season 5 is about "getting back to the island." But surely they aren't going to take a full season just to get back, right? I would think the bulk of the season should be about "being back on the island." In any case, I'm sure it'll be chock full of fascinating stories.
Not surprisingly, all the Oceanic 6 scenes are about recruiting everyone to get on board with going back to the island, with a couple little side stories tossed in for balance. By the end of these two episodes, I was already a little weary of seeing futile attempts at getting the Oceanic 6 back together.
The stuff happening on the island was more interesting to me. The island reappears and it's definitely in a different time, but we can't be so sure about it being physically relocated in a different place, so my state of consciousness theory lives on, I think. Daniel did say something about the island moving, but he didn't really explain it (all he really talks about is the time-shifting aspect).
Then a bunch of time flashes happen and they flip all over the time continuum, and I presume the island isn't physically moving each time! But it should be moving every time, right? There was a time flash the first time we saw the island "move," so shouldn't the island be moving every time we see a time flash? That doesn't make sense with as many time flashes as we've seen. And only the donkey wheel can make the island move, right? But the donkey wheel also makes a time flash, right? I'm talking in circles, right? I'm crazy, right?
Mike, great observation about Charles Widmore maybe having been on the island 20 years ago. I believe that's true and I believe he was something like Ben is now. But when he left the island 20 years ago, Jacob and Ben took over and Widmore's been trying to get back ever since to get rid of Ben and restore his rightful place on the island.
Locke must die to save the island: The Christian motifs Mike mentions have existed for some time now (at least since Locke's crazy mom said he was borne from an immaculate conception), and while I think the motifs are quite real, I don't think the spiritual foundation of these motifs are really about Christianity. At least I hope not. Sure, the motifs parallel some aspects of Christianity, but if I see Jesus on a cross I'm gonna be done! So go ahead, Lost, get all freaky spiritual and sacrificial and ethereal and ghostly and metaphysical, but if this becomes an Armageddon story.... I won't be able to look at the meaning of the show the same way I'm hoping to.
And I know I mentioned Christian and and the promised land a few episodes ago, but just because I saw the symbolism of those names....
Wait a damn minute! Is this an allegory about Moses and the Exodus? If I took the time, I could draw all sorts of parallels to Jack "leading his people" and stuff, and I know there was an ep called "Exodus," but...I hope they don't get any closer than that. All this worrying on my part is your fault, Mike, when you mentioned the Christian motifs associated with Locke having to die to "save" his society.
Love to see Mrs. Hawking back in the mix. She was dynamite in the jewelry store episode with Desmond. We knew she knew too much to just be a omniscient clerk!
Ugh, it should have read, "And I know I mentioned Christian and Shephard and the promised land a few episodes ago, but just because I saw the symbolism of those names...."
I love working half an hour on a post and then reading it and then finding an error or omission like that. Most people wouldn't care, I guess, but it drives me nuts! No doubt, Disqus does have an advantage over Blogger with the editing feature, Mike. The bigger advantage is probably being able to directly reply to a post, then reply to the reply...well, you know all that. Man, I bet that would've come in handy by the time you posted the series finale recap!
But I agree, it was too much of a risk to switch to Disqus and risk losing any of the commentary. It's all the same weight of gold in the end, even if it's not quite as polished!
Oddly enough, I do agree with you. The LOST team didn't really want to do 6 seasons, they went in with a proposal to do 5 full seasons (i.e. 2 more during their season 3 negotiations). It was the same # of episodes - 48, but just over 2 years instead of 3. But, instead with the shorter seasons they had to come up with story themes for EACH season. So, in that sense, I kinda felt like season 5 was just biding time, though they told some excellent stories. And, like I said, season 5 I think is my favorite to rewatch.
So, if they knew up front what they were doing and when the show was going to end, maybe 5 full seasons would've been enough, even too much. But, part of the fun of the show was DISCOVERY. Not just on our part, but the writers' parts. We may not have gotten half of the awesome stories we had if they didn't have the time to explore these characters and the island. IF they weren't forced to squeeze as much story out of the show as they possibly could. So, maybe I agree AND disagree. But, by no means is the show perfect. But, its flaws are just as intriguing as the characters' flaws! (you like that one? Just made it up lol)
I won't comment on how long it takes to get back to the island. But, I would say the show takes some surprising turns again!
I remember doing the same speculation with the island moving as you're doing. You will get your answers! Though, even when you get your answers, it may not logistically still all fit together what happened. And, at the time, I certainly speculated on it a lot. I even came up with some crazy crazy theories based on the answers provided. lol Though, maybe not THAT crazy. I'll have to wait until you get your download of information before I start going all crazy with my theories!
Christian motifs definitely very strong in the series, and stronger in season 5. And, I'll suggest that they might just get stronger! A central theme of the show has always been science vs. faith. Jack representing the Man of Science, and Locke representing the Man of Faith. Of course, Jack's world of science kind of goes down the crapper after he leaves the island and starts getting thoughts of destiny. Anyway, my point is...the themes are very strong in the final 2 seasons.
Yep, I got really excited to see Mrs. Hawking back.
I wouldn't worry about the typos. I made plenty of them too! But yeah...Christian Shephard is certainly a "hit you over the head" type of name!
I actually didn't know about DISQUS back when LOST was airing. But yes, the replying to posts would've been certainly more interesting back then. I considered changing TV Addicts Blog to DISQUS for comments, but people kind of like it the way it is. So it's all good! lol
Back to civilization and naturally, the first thing I do is catch up on Lost. Talk about obsession!
Wow, what a start! I'm already loving this season. I can see it's gonna be insane, all this time-travel stuff, but I'm absolutely loving it.
Some random thoughts below:
Hurley playing a fugitive was hysterical. Otherwise, off-island time wasn't very interesting for me: I wanted to return to the island, where all that crazy stuff was happening.
What interests me is, are there any limits to how far in time can they (or the island, or whatever) travel? So far it seems the time range is quite small, but would it be possible to jump hundreds or thousands of years? It could be wicked.
I thought the side effects of time travel only came into play when only one's mind was travelling, and the body stayed in one place? Guess not.
Is this crazy island actually moving through space, or only time? I guess the appearance of the Nigerian plane should confirm it's shifting through space and time simultaneously. But the implications of this are just too mind-blowing. Ahh this stupid show! I wish Dan stopped his stammering for a while and explained it all in a manner so everybody can understand.
I'm convinced Mrs. Hawking is either Daniel's mum or Jacob. Or both :) I'm probably wrong, but we'll see.
I'm a bit worried by what you said about christian motifs of the story becoming stronger towards the end. I really hope they don't overdo it, cause I don't usually like these things.
Welcome back Leta! If I knew 2 seasons of one of the greatest dramas ever was sitting there waiting for me I don't know if I could've held off as long as you did! But, I'm sure there were good reasons. lol
Yeah, season 5 is really out there but it's super fun to watch (and re-watch as I've mentioned). I agree the off-island plot is a bit slow, but it picks up and in hindsight is worth it.
The limits/side effects of time travel...well this is certainly a different type of time travel than the "consciousness" travel that Desmond and the guy on the freighter did. I think even Dan said "the rules don't apply to Desmond"....ever since he was exposed directly to the hatch implosion he's acquired some crazy "powers" if you will. Dan does explain things..just give him time. And other people will have conversations too. If you remember the first time you met Mrs. Hawking in Desmond's "Flashes Before Your Eyes"...she kind of explains the rules of time travel on this show. Whether those rules stick or not is a whole other point all together. But, you'll see me intensely debating it with other fellow blog friends! lol
Time jumps...I'll just let you see what happens there. I'm a little shaky on when things get revealed about the moving island, but I think there were clues in the "orchid" video to what kind of energies were hiding around that station. And of course, what happened to Ben Linus when he turned that Donkey Wheel. (in regards to space and time)...and yes the Nigerian Plane is another good clue.
Interesting theories on Hawking....There's a chance that some of us may speculate on one of those in subsequent posts as well! :)
In regards to Christian/religious motifs...keep an open mind. And just remember this show has always been rooted in science vs. faith! lol But, it shouldn't become too overbearing for you. (maybe??)
It's good to be back, Mike :) I was on vacation for a while somewhere with no computer and no internet. It was a great getaway, even if I did suffer from Lost withdrawal :) But I've still got some time before I have to come back to work, and I intend to make the best of it!
And thanks for reassuring me when I feel something on the show is not going the way I like. I guess I should just have more faith in the writers, since they haven't disappointed me yet :)
I figured you were on vacation. Glad it was a good time! And yes, plow through those LOST episodes! But savor them like a fine wine too! :)
It's tough to be too up front about your concerns without giving away some I have to be vague!
Gosh, just as the characters and the island are travelling through time, so are we delayed fans, in 2014 the show is long done, but we are experiencing it just as others experienced it a while back - mind boggling!
I like your comment about savouring it like a fine wine - it's tempting to rush through now, but I only have so many fingernails, I let them grow back a bit before the next couple of episodes. I think I will be sad when it's finally all over, so am making the most of it while I am still travelling through LOST time :-)
Hi Rob, still reading your comments, just slow getting to the responses! Sorry! Glad you're taking my "fine wine" advice. I think I'd be upset if I binged them all the first time through and then it was just over "like that" lol I had 6 years to process the show the first time through! Of course, 6 years is a long time to think about a show which can lead to unrealistic expectations for some.
But, if you keep the right mindset and enjoy it as a TV show first, you'll be fine! I'm sure you see me seeing over and over again, but I really loved season 5 when all was said and done. Enjoy!
Good evening Mike... I had to have 3 weeks off to recover from the 100mph watching of the 1st four seasons. I need to take the rest slower at no more than 1 episode per night... Then I watched the 1st and realised your blog contained the 1st two in one... So I had to go and watch the next, then read your blog and comments (which took another 90 mins!) and my head is already mashed and given it is 2.50am now I'll never be up for work in the morning... Good job I'm working from home!
I won't even start to try and disect the story as everyone has done a great job so far... I am just waiting for that Annie one to pop up again... And the thing about giving me the compass when you see me and won't yet know me... That must relate to scene of the young Locke... I presume he must come back to see him again with the test and this time gives him the compass?
And Charlotte is by far my favourite female character... Just because she is. You can keep all the rival females from the shoe... There is something about her and so I hope she is on it for a while and doesn't die of her nosebleed!
"... From the shoe"...? I did of course mean From the show!
Sorry to keep you up later! Lol couldn’t have foreseen when they did a double premiere episode that years later people would be binging and reading one at a time. :) But so grateful you are reading everything! Quite a commitment!
No comments on the compass or on Charlotte. I will say this is one of the most fun seasons to rewatch. I always say it’s a perfect season from start to finish. Enjoy it!
So much going on in these first two episodes of the season.
Just a few thoughts:
- I really like to try to figure out and follow along with the details of everything as I go along, but when it comes to how all this time traveling is working… I’m just understanding that they are in one time and then another and leaving it at that. I can’t even understand all the thoughts about moving through space as well or any of the mechanics of it! So complex.
- I agree with everyone who thinks Sun is behind the lawyers wanting the blood test. The timing of her just happening to be in LA and calling Kate right as Kate is trying to run away from the lawyers… way too fishy. I don’t know whether Sun is lying or telling the truth when she says they don’t want to reveal the lie, they just want Aaron.
- So I totally thought Frogurt had died at some previous point in the earlier seasons when there were so many side characters dying left and right. I totally thought that when he showed up that the time travel brought him back to life - or rather they'd gone back to a time when he was alive. Mike, I’m glad that you explained in the episode analysis that we’ve actually never seen Frogurt before on an episode -- now I understand that's why I "hadn't seen him in so long," not that he had died and dropped out of the island crew. Well, not before this episode :p - I actually wish they had kept him around longer.
- Ok, and now my big guess with these episodes is that A - Locke is actually not dead. (The way Ben wouldn’t answers Jack question about it made me assume we are supposed to believe the non-answer = no). And B - The way he is not dead has to do with the spider venom that made everyone think Nikki and Paulo were dead way back when. Sure would be a way to make that seemingly random story line about their paralysis and then buried alive bit actually have a part in the larger narrative of the show. I can’t remember how long the venom was supposed to work for, not as long as Locke has been presumed to be dead (from the time of his obituary all the way through the time Jack has spent with him and Ben) But technically, didn’t Jack just look at his “dead” body for like a few minutes and the rest of the time Locke has been in a closed coffin out of sight? And they established no one was at the funeral. Really only the few minutes that Jack is staring at him does he have to appear dead. I think it’s possible.
I think would actually be in a way scarier/tougher for Locke to agree to a temporary complete paralysis than actual death, considering all he suffered from his being paralyzed before the island healed him…. Sorry, all my long winded explanations end up being about Locke. But I’d be really stoked if I turn out right on this one. Also, when Hurley’s dad is watching Expose, is I think the very next scene after Jack asks Ben about if Locke is really dead, so it seems like a hint.
That’s pretty funny on Frogurt! They actually introduced him in a mobisode that happened before season 4. I’m sure you can search them on youtube. He may have been mentioned in a couple episodes. Seems like something Hurley would’ve done lol.
Really don’t want to speak to the theories as it’s a fun ride in season 5…but I can say you’re thinking along the lines we were during the live airings. So keep on theorizing! And be prepared to want to watch it all again!
Keep the long winded rants coming! I’m reading them, I just can’t speak to much. If I see you theorizing on something not worth theorizing, I’ll tell you! Lol
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