(yeah, sometimes I crack up even myself (sometimes only myself!!))
The Appetizer:
- Question: 9 people made it to the Island (in the fake story), what happened to the other 3?
Answer: Jack referred to some actual events as part of the cover story. Boone, dying of internal injuries. Libby, didn't make it. Charlie Pace, drowned. - Question: (to Sayid) Do you have any plans to return to Iraq?
Answer: There is nothing for me in Iraq. - Question: What are your plans Jack?
Answer: Jack explains how his Dad (ol' Christian Shephard) died in Australia, begins to speak about the body (almost like he wanted to mention how it wasn't in the coffin on the Island). Finally, he says he'd like to put him to rest. - The weird part of adding the question about the 3 that made it to the island with the Oceanic 6 is that it kinda ruined the question to Sun about if Jin had made it off the Island. But whatever, it was still fun to hear more questions!
Once again since everyone is moving around so much, we need to break the story down into LOCATIONS, FLASHES and Significant Events. So here we go!
The Orchid
When we last left the scene, Ben had turned himself in to Keamy and crew and had given directions to Locke on how to get into the Orchid. We join Locke trying to find his way into the Orchid while Jack and Sawyer find Hurley.
- Sawyer was full of nicknames tonight but calling Jack "Sundance" was a good time!
- While finding Hurley while he was peeing was an awkward moment, it didn't get much more awkward than when Hurley and Jack were reunited. As we learn in Hurley's flash forward (from the season premiere), he apologizes to Jack for going with Locke. But on the Island, Hurley had said some mean stuff to Jack right before leaving with Locke. But, all is fine after a couple "Good to see you's!"
- Hurley and Sawyer sharing the 15 year old Saltines was a great time too!
- Jack has no choice but to go talk to Locke because the chopper is currently being occupied by Team Keamy and Ben. As always the meeting of the minds is pretty intense. Jack brings up how Locke killed Naomi, Locke brings up how Jack tried to kill him. Locke asks to let by gones by by gones and asks Jack to change his mind about leaving. He explains to Jack how the knowledge of the Island is going to eat him alive if he leaves. He goes on about how Jack refuses to believe what he has seen on the Island. Jack refuses to believe in miracles. And thus, the struggle between Science and Fate continues. Locke then informs Jack that he will need to LIE about what happened in order to protect those that do not leave. And then throws in the ol' "if you lie to them as well as you lie to yourself, they'll believe you." Pretty crazy stuff. So this conversation seems to end up as Jack's motivation to convince everyone that they'll need to lie about the crash and the Island. And would seem to be the other 4's motivation to be angry with Jack. And we see more of this in our Flash Forwards tonight!
- Guess what? Ben is back! How did that happen? Well, we'll get to that in the next section (obviously, it's going to be tough to stick to any continuity in this recap!) And now we have the meeting of the 3 minds (Ben, Locke and Jack). Loved Locke and Ben's banter about finding the Anthuriums. Locke explains how he tried to tell Jack what was going on. But then Ben says goodbye to Jack and to be on the boat within the hour.
- Jack, while seeming a bit interested to go down that Elevator with Locke and Ben, knew that his mission was to save everyone on the Island, and he, Sawyer and Hurley head to the chopper (knowing that the area should be safe now).
- And with that, we join Ben and Locke in the Elevator that goes very very very deep into the Island. After what seems to be an eternity, eventually the elevator comes to a stop and we enter another mysterious DHARMA Station.
- I loved it when they showed the Vault and Locke asked if it was the "Magic Box" that Ben had discussed in season 3. Naturally, it is not! Ben explains that the purpose of the station is pretty much like all of the other stations - silly experiments.
- But instead of entertaining all of Locke's questions, Ben gives him the DHARMA Orientation Video for station 6 of 6. (Hmmm did we see them all now? I thought there were more than 6. Swan, Pearl, Flame, Medical, Hydra, Looking Glass, Arrow, Orchid. Well, maybe the Looking Glass wasn't an officially known station.
- As we should all know by now, there was the Viral Video campaign launched at last year's Comic-Con to tease season 4 with our first look of the Orchid Station. In this video, we saw the OUTTAKES of the Orientation Video. Now, we see the ACTUAL video. As we've already learned...the Orchid is NOT Botanical research facility! That was just the cover! No no, Dr. Edgar Hallowax (his 3rd alias that he goes by) explains that all our suspicions are correct and that the Orchid was experimenting in moving things through space AND time. woaaaaa we got an answer! Doc Wax explains to us that they built the VAULT near a pocket of negatively charged matter and shows off the Bunny with the #15 on it. He explains that the Bunny would be transported to the future (which we saw the bunny appear out of nowhere in the outtakes video). Doc warns to not put metallic objects in the Vault. (and of course, this is exactly what we see Ben doing). So did the DHARMA crew KNOW what was behind and even further under the VAULT? Did they know what they stumbled upon here? Well, we don't know...but we're getting ahead of ourselves.
- But, the following exchange was priceless. Locke "Is he talking about what I think he's talking about?" Ben "Time traveling bunnies? Yes!" Naturally, I'm paraphrasing!
- Then the Elevator starts moving..dum dum dummmmmm thusly prompting Ben to ask for his weapon back.
- It's Keamy kids! Once again, we'll explain what happened to him in the next section. But he is injured and limping onward into the station trying to call out Ben. Say what you want about your distaste for Keamy but he was a great character to love to hate! (oops did I say was?)
- Keamy explains how he is wired to blow up the freighter should his pulse stop pulsing (yeah, still not sure how I didn't pick up on this in my immediate brain dump into the blog 2 weeks ago!)
- his triggers Locke to come out of hiding and to say that he has no beef with Keamy, nor do the people on that freighter. But before they could talk any reason Ben creepily comes out of hiding with a knife yelling "you killed my daughter!!!!" and repeatedly stabbing and slicing at ol' Keamy. NOOOOO!!!!!
- Locke "All of those Innocent people on the boat are going to die!" Ben: "SO????" woa....I forgot how fun it was to also HATE Ben! This is one bitter bitter man. The Island has screwed him over, and while he's still trying to be a team player, he's also out for revenge! He mentions to Locke how it isn't his problem and how he reacted irrationally but sarcastically assuring that Locke will be able to make better judgement calls in his place. Yep, the passing of the torch is all but complete.
- Before Keamy lets out his final breath he mentions to Ben that wherever he goes, Widmore will find him.
- Farewell Keamy - The light goes from green to Red - Stay Tuned for the rest!
The Chopper
Since there haven't been many flashbacks this season, I decided we should create our own in this Blog (yep, just an excuse for my lazy writing technique!) So let's rewind and see how things around the chopper went!
- We start off here with Keamy escorting Ben to the Chopper asking questions about why is Ben so important. Apparently, Widmore paid a large sum of money to capture Ben and bring him off the Island. Hmmmm Widmore didn't seem too anxious to capture Ben when they met off-island in 2005!
- Before we get too many details here though, Kate runs out of the jungle (last seen captured by Richard and THE OTHERS). The Others set up a trap to rescue Ben. FINALLY!!! We saw some crazy Others doing some crazy OTHERS Attacks eliminating the rest of Keamy's crew. Attacks that we saw Ethan capable of in season 1. Stealthy Moves like we saw when the Others kidnapped the children from the Tail-Section. And of course, lots of gunfire around the Chopper (more on that in a second!) Yeah, there are still a bunch of people on that Island to be led. And this, apparently was their final task for Benjamen Linus.
- The scene culminates with an awesome fight between Sayid and Keamy..both of them getting in some nice attacks, but finished with Richard (a la Ben's Boyfriend, courtesy of Keamy!) shooting that crazy guy a few times in the back. We'll find out later (and we already discussed that Keamy survived to make it to the Orchid) that his armor was tough enough to get him past any mere bullets. The dude needed to be attacked from the neck up!
- Richard explains to Ben that the deal was Kate and Sayid help rescue Ben in exchange for allowing them to leave the island. At this Ben says "you're free to go" Kate says "that's it?" and Ben says "That's it." Well then! Hmm maybe Ben already knew that they'd have to return. But once again, it wasn't really his call anymore! And he was one bitter bitter man!
- Ben flees the scene to the Orchid (and the Others leave as well)...leaving Sayid, Hurley and Frank with the chopper.
- A little later Hurley, Sawyer and Jack meet up with the crew and they prepare to leave that crazy Island. Jack promises that once they reach the freighter, they'll come back to look for Claire.
- If Sundance was a great nickname for Jack, you had to love Sawyer's nickname for Frank - Kenny Rogers!! That was fantastic. And anyone that has been listening to Philly's own Preston and Steve and their LOST Radio Recaps will assume that this was a NOD to their loyal fanbase! (Because Kenny Rogers is behind the whole mystery of the Island! duh!)
- As the chopper headed to the freighter, there were a couple issues. They couldn't find the freighter because it was on the move, and one of the bullets hit the fuel tank on the chopper...making them lose fuel a little more quickly. You had to feel for Hurley when they dumped all of the weight that they could but Frank said he'd feel better if they were a few hundred lbs lighter!
- But naturally, Sawyer wanted to be a hero. Sawyer MADE HIS CHOICE TO STAY. I dunno Jack! I think he thought that they were still going to get rescued! Anyway, he whispers something in Kate's ear (which would be the promise we later see Kate trying to fulfill...and we must still assume it's about Clementine). Next thing we know he gives her a big smooch (something to remember "through time!" no pun intended!), reminds her of Nike's old promotion "Just Do It Freckles!" and jumps off of the chopper into the Ocean. Well, I guess we had already seen Sawyer jump off the chopper in the previews, but we had really feared for the worst with it! Looks like he will live to see another day. But the future doesn't look too bright for them Island dwellers! We're getting ahead of ourselves!
- So, we have 4 of the Oceanic 6 together with Frank now. But they still can't find that crazy freighter. They do eventually find it in the nick of time. But there's ol' Desmond waving them away! They seem to make out him saying something about a "BOMB!" Oh no!! Frank is landing that Chopper no matter what! They can't make it anywhere else. To Be Continued ...
Beach Dwellers
Daniel is still trying to get everyone to the Freighter. And also trying to convince Charlotte to leave the Island. Not much in this little section, but still enough worth noting! Here's what went down.
- Miles eating the peanuts and Rose yelling at him...Priceless. "Can I eat these nuts?" "I'm Keeping my eye on you shortie!"
- Juliet promises to make sure everyone leaves the Island before she does.
- Charlotte and Miles have an interesting discussion about leaving the Island. Miles states he's staying but makes a comment to Charlotte as if she had been there before. How does Miles know this? It doesn't even seem like Charlotte knows this. Doesn't seem like it has anything to do with his supernatural abilities. Oh well, guess we need to tune into Season 5!
- Daniel discusses with Charlotte how if she doesn't leave the Island there may never be the ability to leave the Island. Clearly, Daniel knows what the Orchid is capable of.
- Anyway, Charlotte decides to stay and mentions something about not knowing where she was born. I thought Ben said she was born in England and named her parents. Anyway, there were rumors that Charlotte might be Annie, but I don't agree with that. Afterall, she's British! But there are now rumors that Charlotte might be Annie's daughter and Ben was the father and shipped Annie off to not die due to childbirthing issues on the island. Interesting one! But then the question remains what about the Sarah/Annie connection I made with Juliet supposedly looking like BOTH of them? (based on Ben and Harper's respective comments). Granted we don't know for sure who Harper was referring to! Okay, enough theorizing, plenty more recapping to go!
- We last see Dan on the raft with some more survivors heading towards the freighter. The big question is where they were when that Island.....um....wait we're not there yet!
- Desmond recalls his military background in explosives. Pretty much his recollection. If you do this - BOOM, do that? BOOM But what about this? Jin can you tell me what happens? "BOOM!!!" awesome!
- Dez couldn't figure out how to cut the signal to Keamy's transmitter thingy. But they keep starting at it.
- Michael goes up on Deck and talks to Sun with just enough time for her to tell him "I'm Pregnant!" I half expected her to assure Michael the baby wasn't his or something! (you know...because those Missing Pieces Mobi-sodes suggested there was some romantic tension between the two when Sun and Jin were on the outs in the season 1 days). But Michael had some liquid nitrogen and a bomb transmitter to freeze!
- Michael's plan was to freeze the transmitter so if the light went red, it would delay the explosion about 5 minutes. Giving them some time to get away from there.
- Sure enough, after Desmond gives up trying to figure out the bomb, the light goes Red. (Keamy is deaders) they only have a little left in the nitro-tank. Jin still stares at the C4 outline thinking he can stop it. But Michael, with the knowledge of Jin's pending parenthood, tells Jin to go. You are about to be a father Jin. "Thank you Michael" Thus, Michael's redemption tale ends. (ummm wait...Michael's a Father too! What on earth???) Jin makes for the exit to the deck.
- Meanwhile up on the deck, the chopper has landed and like a NASCAR Pit Stop, they begin to repair the chopper and refuel and get right back off the Island. I'm pretty sure I saw Duct Tape involved! Anyway, Desmond, Sun and Aaron get on the chopper and join the other 5 (Sayid, Kate, Jack, Hurley, Frank). Kate and Sun try to get them to wait as Jin is still below. But there's no time. Then we see Jin running out on the deck as the chopper is lifting off. They can't go back for him.
- Back below, Michael runs out of nitrogen and then of all people Christian Shephard appears out of nowhere. "WHO ARE YOU???" to which Christian responds: "You can go now, Michael"
- BOOM!!!!!!!
- Conspiracy Theorists begin your discussions! Did Michael and Jin die? I think Michael had to die. He fulfilled his obligations and redeemed himself for killing Ana Lucia and Libby. Even got a Thank You out of Jin. But what about a reunion with Walt? Is that not going to happen? Did Michael die close enough to the Island premises to be part of its ghostly lore? You would think so because Christian was there. But there's Ghosts appearing all over the crazy world now! Does it have something to do with your Body being on the Island? (more on that at the end of the blog!)
And what about Jin? If you look closely at the before shot of the freighter, there is NO ONE on the deck, did Jin jump off the ship? And if he did? where did he go? There's no way he's on the Island right? We gotta think he is dead. But ugh...what a way to go out! I'm going to hold onto some hope that he survived. But I just don't know! - The Chopper begins its trek BACK to the Island...but will the Island be waiting for their arrival?
The Frozen Donkey Wheel
We join Ben and Locke back in the Orchid to resume our tale.
- Ben resumes activating the Orchid VAULT with all the Metal Gizmos and Whozeewhatsits in it. When this happens, the VAULT malfunctions.
- Ben says he needs to get changed (and immediately I think - ohhhh yeah just like I predicted he's gonna put that Parka on and be transported to Tunisia in 2005! And some of you out there doubted me!!!) Sure enough, Ben suits up with Edgar Hallowax's Parka. I'm thinking if Ol' Edgar had a Parka, then he must've known what was behind and under the VAULT!
- Ben informs Locke that HE is going to move the Island, not Locke. Why? Because there are consequences to whoever moves the Island. Once you move the Island you can never return. Hmmmmm Wasn't there supposed to be consequences to summoning the Smoke Monster too? Is this all tied together? Do we care?
- Ben also tells Locke that he is sorry for making his life completely miserable. My first thought on this was that he meant after Locke arrived at the Island. But, I read that some are thinking Ben have been involved in many of the bad things that happened to Locke PRE-ISLAND. Could this mean Anthony Cooper was in cahoots with Ben somehow? And that Locke's paralysis was a result of Ben's meddlings? Would Ben have sent Richard to look for Locke? OR.....was Ben so obsessed with his Leadership of the Island, that he knew there were rumblings of John Locke - THE REAL CHOSEN ONE, that he tried to sabotage any chance of Locke getting to the Island to take his place? It would seem there is more to tell there. Once again, there's a large comments section ready and willing for some theories!
- Ben tells Locke that the OTHERS and all of the answers are all awaiting Locke's command and leadership. Locke, as always, is unsure what to do and what to tell them. And Ben said something to the effect that he'd think of something as he always does.
- We see Locke unite with Richard and the OTHERS. Richard happily states "Welcome Home John." Ahhhhh interesting stuff for season 5! (I think???)
- Let's rejoin Ben in the Orchid as he rips away the back wall of the VAULT to uncover a tunnel that goes to a ladder that goes down to a floor of Ice that once smashed goes to a frozen ladder that takes Ben into a frozen cavern. Full of hieroglyphics just like the ones that were on the Swan Hatch's infamous clock. It would seem that this cavern dates back to the ancient times that could be tied to the 4 toed statue as well as the sacrificial altar that Locke's father was tied to. But more importantly, next to the Lantern that Ben lights, is a giant FROZEN WHEEL. One that looks something like a DONKEY WHEEL! A FROZEN DONKEY WHEEL KIDS!!! (if you recall, Team Darlton told us that the secret scene this year would be referred to as the FROZEN DONKEY WHEEL. While this was not the most secret scene of the episode, you can sure see where they got it from!) By the way, Ben also cut his arm on the way into the cavern further proving that he immediately is sent to Tunisia October 2005 after this event. (he had the arm cut then)
- While I'm thinking about it....considering where Ben ends up after this little task. And considering there were/are Polar Bears on the Island and considering a Polar Bear ended up in the Tunisian Desert in an ancient past, do we think that they used to have the Polar Bears move the wheel to move the Island so that no people would have to be excommunicated from the Island? I dunno....crazy idea....but maybe???
- And still I'm confused, it seems that Ben has been to Tunisia before (traveling to and from the Island on crazy tasks), was he lying to Locke that he wouldn't be able to return to the Island?
- And one more question -Just a small issue, if the imminent threat of the freighter folk was gone - Why were they still going to move the Island? I guess we knew Widmore would never stop looking for the Island, so Ben seemed pretty determined to do this.
- Anyway...I'm delaying - Ben looks to the skies and says to Jacob "I hope you're happy" (still a little bitter)...be begins to turn the wheel.
- Above on the Island, Sawyer swims ashore and joins Juliet with a bottle of Rum. While he's ready to celebrate that they're leaving the Island, Juliet's face says it all....they both see the remnants of the freighter in the distance and assume everyone they knew that left is dead.
- The sky begins to beam a light very similar to that of when Desmond blew the hatch. I couldn't tell if it was a violet shade though as it just seemed like a bright white light. I am sure we're meant to tie the two events together. But does this mean that the Island moved when Desmond blew the Hatch? We know HE moved through time...but that's about it!
- The chopper continues to head towards the island and the bright light beams from the center of the Island outward and then we see a whirlpool like hole in the water where the Island once stood. It is GONE!!!!!
- Where did it go? When did it go? Well we won't find out until next season (maybe???) but what we do know is our future Oceanic 6 were stranded in the air with no fuel!
The Aftermath
- The chopper is going down, Jack suggests looking for Alcatraz 2.0 (the Hydra Island), but that is gone also!!! woaaa
- Sayid throws the life raft out of the chopper and inflates. The chopper goes down and flips and twirls....but every one of them survive. Frank, Desmond, Jack, Kate, Sayid, Hurley, Sun and little baby Aaron. (hmmm....kinda like maybe they can't DIE? the first hint? Kate suggests it's a miracle that Aaron survived it).
- They all get in the raft and let everything set in that went down. Sun, clearly upset that she has lost her husband (i forgot to focus on her crazy screaming when the Freighter blew up...woaaa).
- Hurley says that Locke moved the Island. Jack refused to believe even though he saw it with his own eyes.
- Then...the BOAT comes! And before it gets too close, Jack begins to explain how they're going to have to lie to protect everyone still on the Island. He explains about the staged plane crash at the bottom of the Ocean. There are people out there that want the world to know they're dead. What would happen if they knew they were alive? What would happen to the people on the Island? I'm not even sure I bought the story considering they don't even know where or when the Island is anymore!
- The boat gets closer and a guy leans over the edge and I thought "woaaaa it's the guy from the season 2 finale in the arctic!!!! It's PENNY's boat!!!!" Sure enough there was Miss Widmore herself and wow....I just did not expect to see this reunion until season 6! I wanted to weep like a little girl, but I had to keep it together as I jotted my notes down (that yes...I'm not even using!) Dez and Penny reunited at last, and all because of the Phone call ol' Dezzie made!
- Once all aboard there is the introductions and then Jack is ready to discuss the LYING PLAN.
- We see them a week later in ragged clothes and with the raft that we saw in the RESCUE PHOTO. Desmond assures Jack that he will not be going with them (how could he? he wasn't an Oceanic Passenger!) and as long as he has Penny he'll be fine. We get a nice "See you in another life brother" from Jack. Something tells me with Ben after Penny's head in the future, we haven't seen the last of ol' Desmond. The big question is will he need to return to the ISL---- whoops we're still not there yet!!!
- Hurley is still confused to why they have to lie, but at this point it seems Sayid is in agreement with Jack that they need to do this to protect their Friends. (wait...so are the only potential 815ers on the Island - Locke, Sawyer, Rose, Bernard and Claire? We know Miles, Charlotte and Juliet are there too. And they've killed so many of the other 48 survivors now I don't even know how many are left!)
- We have the emotional scene of them arriving at Membatta (just like the LIE they told in the press conference in part 1) and while they know they are about to lie you could still sense a little happiness that they are free from the Island (so they thought). Maybe all but Sun. And thus...Present Day has caught up with Future Day (except for what has happened on the Island after the "moving!").
So let's proceed with the Flash forwards!
Flash Forwards
I feel like I've been typing forever! But there's still much to discuss! At least you have 9 months to read all of this! We begin our Flash Forwards where Jack and Kate's Airport discussion left off last season. We've been discussing the Coffin for 1 year and 1 week and we finally have gotten our answer. But they kept us guessing the whole episode long! We are reminded of Kate's "Why would I go to the funeral?" and Jack being upset over the whole death. We see Jack say "We have to go baaaaaack!" and Kate driving off and then the episode begins...
Jack and Kate
- Kate slams on the breaks and gets out of the car apparently SHOCKED at what Jack was saying. After all that the 6 of them were put through to get OFF of the Island and all of the lying that Jack made them do. He was now listening to ol' JEREMY BENTHAM. Someone that clearly Kate is not a fan of, and apparently Jack wasn't either. Anyone remember the newspaper obituary clipping from the season 3 finale? It did state a Jeremy Bentham on there. The man in the coffin was using an alias. Pretty much Kate is disgusted with Jack and says HOW DARE YOU!!?! Obviously, now knowing who is in the coffin has made this scene less important to discuss! But we'll discuss after the reveal!
- Super Older Walt comes to visit Hurley (man that kid got old!). He must've come clean to his grandmother to what has been going on.
- Walt asks Hurley why no one came to see him? Why everyone was lying. Hurley apologized but said that the were lying to protect everyone. Walt said "people like my dad?" And Hurley says yes. Clearly he's lying because we have to think Sun filled him in that Michael was on the boat that blew up!
- Apparently, Jeremy Bentham came to visit Walt too.
- One has to think that Walt may be re-joining the cast next year as the crew will try to get back! But we shall see. My question is.....Walt didn't even look THIS old when he appeared to Locke last season. Will they be able to explain that?
Hurley and Sayid
- Sayid comes to Hurley's institution and kills a man parked outside apparently that was stalking Hurley for the past week?
- Sayid, with much longer hair, comes in and says that Bentham is dead and he needs Hurley to come with him to a safe place. He also promises they are not going BACK. He also says that many dead people have been coming to visit him.
- We find out that Bentham apparently committed suicide. But there is doubt that this is actually what happened. hmmmm
- Question - is Sayid still working for Ben at this point? Will that help Jack's cause in season 5? (we're getting there!) All of these flashes seem to be set up for season 5.
- Oh right, and Hurley had been playing chess with Mr. Eko and just handed him a checkmate. woaaaaa this is some bizarre stuff! I love it!
- We see Sun in London stalking Charles Widmore. Years have passed because she is talking to her daughter on the phone (she must be 2 or 3 years old).
- Apparently Widmore and Mr. Paik are old business associates. (Island related? who knows!) But is Charles Widmore the OTHER MAN Sun holds responsible for Jin's death? Well, here it looks like Sun is looking to HELP Widmore. And while Widmore pretended not to know who Sun REALLY was, she gave him her card and said to contact her when she changes her mind. Hmmm...maybe she holds BEN responsible for Jin's death? Could be problematic with Jack's pending mission!
- Revision: Forgot to mention Sun also implied that the Oceanic 6 aren't the only ones that got off the Island. Is she referring to Desmond? Considering Dez is with Penny...that could be the case. Frank? eh maybe.... Ben? Well does Sun know Ben is off of the Island at this point? hmmmmm
- Kate has a dream where she picks up her phone and hears the following audio in reverse: "The Island Needs you, you have to go Back before it's too late."
- Of course then in the dream, she hears a noise, grabs her gun and goes to check on Aaron and yells "GET AWAY FROM MY SON!" and Claire is there watching Aaron. woaaaaa creepy!!! She contradicts the phone message and says "DO NOT BRING HIM BACK TO THE ISLAND!!!! DON'T YOU DARE!!!"
- Kate wakes up and goes to Aaron and keeps saying "I'm sorry!" I'm sorry for taking you from the Island? from your Mother? hmmmm Will Kate be easily persuaded?
- It would seem Jack leaves the airport scene with Kate and heads right back to FLASH FORWARD Funeral Parlor (you know the Anagram Hoffs Drawler or something like that) and breaks the door open.
- The ultimate payoff...we are going to see the man in the coffin! Good ol' Jeremy Bentham!
- Just as I think "Well, I guess it's Ben because I heard he was going to be in the big secret scene!" Ben walks in to join Jack. woaaaa Then I kinda figured out by process of elimination who it had to be! (the most obvious choice at the end of season 3!)
- Ben knew that Jack had been trying to get back to the Island through Plane Crashes (dark, Jack, very dark!)
- Jack explains to Ben that Bentham had come to visit him and then Kate and explained to him how things became very very bad on the Island after they left. Locke explained how they all needed to go back. Hmmm I wonder if this is the visit that Charlie told Hurley about? And NOT Christian Shephard?
- Anyway, Ben explains to Jack that the Island won't let him go back to the Island alone. They ALL need to go back. Jack explains his current relationships with Sun (still blames him.... for Jin's Death?? hmm maybe HE's the other guy?), Kate (won't even talk to him), Sayid (don't know where he is), Hurley (is crazy). Ben suggested that maybe he could help and that he had a few ideas on how to get back. But will BEN be able to go back too?
- And do Desmond and Walt need to go back as well?
- We do know at least ONE other person needs to go back and that's ol' Dead in the coffin Jeremy Bentham. Who is none other than.....pan camera..........slowly.....slowly..... JOHN LOCKE!!!!!!!!
- How will next year's format work? Real-Time has caught up with Future Time. Now we have a story to tell OFF the Island and On the Island. Will there be flashbacks still? I would think so...we need to find out how Locke got off the island and his apparent suicide (forgot to mention that) happened. Still gotta learn about the Black Rock and Rousseau's Expedition. What Desmond did to lose his Honor in the military. Lots of stuff there. But will there be episodes that flash back and forth to what happened on the Island while the Oceanic 6 were gone and then their plan to get back? We were confused about how this season would pan out, so I'm sure they have it all figured out already!
- When Locke gets off the Island, is he paralyzed again? Or will he be cured now kinda like people couldn't die off the Island. But why did LOCKE die off of the Island? Did Locke Move the Island again? But if he did, why is Ben saying he can go back? Maybe if you move the Island, you can't go back until you're dead? woaaaaa Did Locke leave the Island specifically to bring back Jack and crew? Is that why all of these Ghosts are visiting them? Did Locke send them through Jacob or something?
- What happened to Daniel and Raft crew? Alcatraz 2.0 went with the Island, so maybe he moved with it too? Maybe they picked up Jin??? (woaaaa I just thought of that!)
- And of course...where and when did the Island go to?
- And much much more!!!!
Well I've been writing frantically for quite some time now kids. And I'm sure you're all impatiently waiting for the blog. So I'm going to hand it over for discussion pretty soon. Just a few more things to take care of. Like last summer, any time I get news, I'll probably post a new blog with information. So please keep checking in! Bookmark this site for next season as well! Mark your calendars for January 09 to start checking back in!
Oh right, and the commercial that aired before the final scene? Go to the following website and get ready for the next OFF-SHOW LOST Experience that looks scheduled to kick off at this year's Comic-Con: http://www.octagonglobalrecruiting.com/
Hope you enjoyed my ramblings today and all season folks. I've enjoyed all of your comments and theories all season (when people weren't fighting naturally!!) Keep it up because we have 9 months to keep ourselves busy with more and more theories....but no more theories on WHO IS IN THE COFFIN! and if TIME TRAVEL is possible! We have confirmd both of these! And yes, it is definitely not PURGATORY!
If you don't tune in for the random news all summer, then I will see you next year when we kick off Season 5! NAMASTE!