Is it me...or do people cringe when the islanders talk about the OTHERS in in the non-plural form? Sayid "He's an OTHER!" oh my.... Why couldn't he just say what they labeled the episode? He's One of Them!!! Well, it's still funny from an unintentional comedic standpoint, so that's a plus! Nitpicky, am I? You bet! But who isn't with America's new National Past-time? POST LOST DAY ANALYSIS. And what a game it is! Well, since I'm getting a late start today, I've already been able to share some of my wisdom to people off the blog and amazingly they hadn't heard about some of this stuff yet. So...hopefully, this will be helpful to all! And maybe someone out there can actually translate those damn heiroglyphic symbols! I've heard everything from KATEDIE to SWAN (There's a little margin of error on the # of characters there!) we go folks. Let's dive into another faannnnntastic episode:
- People are getting fired up with Jack. He's being a whiny little B-----. Well Wouldn't you if people were plotting stuff against your back? That's 2 episodes in a row where Locke and someone else are conspiring against him. Then again, Jack is building an army behind everyone's back who is he to talk? Sounds like there are some big inner conflicts brewing within the Fuselage Survivors that is bound to blow up. I thought this was going to happen last year when Locke played a part in Boone's death. Should've known it would take a whole other season to actually develop!
- So who is Henry Gale? Well, anyone remember the story of The Wizard of Oz where Dorothy Gale is swept away to the magical land of Oz? She had an Uncle Henry, and to my recollection, he did some Balloon traveling himself! And one part I don't recall is if the people in Dorothy's life (In Kansas) actually play the roles of the characters in OZ. I'm pretty sure I remember the actor who played Uncle Henry also portrayed the WIZARD in Oz. And the wizard also sends Dorothy back in a balloon. So...this is a good indicator that our boy Henry on the island is totally lying! Not to mention he couldn't recall where he buried his wife. But I gotta say, he was a convincing liar up to then! And Rousseau said it would take a lot to crack him.
- And what is up with Rousseau? Do we think that she is with THE OTHERS and the whole capturing of Henry was a setup? She was acting quite shady about the whole thing. Then again....I don't know if part of a setup would be to shoot an arrow through someone!
- Let's take a break from the Hatch business. So we finally know how Hurley has remained pleasantly plump. He has a hidden stash of Dharma food! So what was his secret before Season 2? Well he had told Arzt it was going to take awhile for him to lose the weight because of how heavy he is. Looks like the producers covered every angle! So here's a question....can a tub of ranch dressing really keep people fat? I need to rewatch to see what else he had hidden there. But At least we know he's good for 7 years!
- Speaking of Hurley, we were reminded that Sawyer is a bad man...or wants people to hate he disregarded Hurley's option to send the loud tree frog to another location on the island. Instead Sawyer squishes it to death and offers it to Hurley to eat with his Ranch Dressing Good times.! New Nickname Alert.....Sawyer calls Hurley BARBAR and is quickly corrected that it is Babar! outstanding!
- I had heard on P&S that someone said there was a Dharma logo on the tree frog. I seriously doubt it, I'll have to rewatch later.
- was anyone else looking at Military Officer #1 and scratching their head as he talked to Sayid about being a translator? I couldn't quite place him...but I knew I had seen this guy in some form of a show before. Turns out it WAS Lost...and I didn't recognize him fully until he whipped out that picture of Kate at the end.'s Kate's Foster Father (whom Kate thought was her Dad for the longest time). I'm still kicking myself for not catching on sooner. We're seeing a lot of backstories crossing over now between our fellow survivors. Makes things a whole lot more interesting in the present day. Here's a Pic!
- Okay, so let's get into the symbols that showed up on the Dharma Clock. Before We get to the symbols...did anyone hear the crazy machinery sound that accompanied it? I think we know that something will DEFINITELY happen when no action is taken. And, well...something may have already happened because Locke didn't make it in time. And, well Locke was not rushing to tell anyone about it. So what was that noise? The Electro Magnet? the Blast Doors getting ready to close? Something behind that concrete wall? Who knows...but I want the clock to run out again to find out! So for anyone that doesn't remember the is confirmed that they are Egyptian Heiroglyphics. Here they are:
That first symbol isn't very clear, but we do have a potential translation to what it might mean. I'm not going to argue with it because I don't know how to translate heiroglyphics!
No idea, but it can't be good news either way! Any input that you guys have found here would be welcome! All I know was AWESOME when it happened! - Moving on - Sayid and Charlie had a little conversation at the end stating that Jack and others had forgotten that Charlie and Claire were kidnapped by Ethan. Charlie was strangled and almost died.....Claire doesn't even remember 2 weeks of her life on the island. More internal conflicts.....and a war is brewing. But who is the war with? The Others? Or with Themselves? Ahhhh beautifully written show.
Okay, I'm not big on spoilers, but these I found informative. I'm going to post them in black text. You can choose to highlight and read at your own discression. Some things that we will find out by the end of the season, or won't find out until future seasons:
- Someone sent me a spoiler that we won't find out about Michael and Walt until Season 3. I Do not know the source of this rumor
- We WILL find out why the Plane crashed by the end of Season 2.
- We WILL see Desmond again in Season 2.